All praise and adoration is due to no one save Almighty Allah - TopicsExpress


All praise and adoration is due to no one save Almighty Allah (SWT), the Lord of the Worlds and the Sustenance of Mankind. May His immense peace and blessings descend on the Noblest soul of mankind, Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his household, his companions and the generality of muslims till the day of recompense. AlhamduliLlah, today is the 17th day of Shaarus-Safar, 1436 A.H. May Almighty Allah grant us the respite to see the end of the month and subsequent ones In Sha Allah. Dear beloved brothers and sisters in faith, i would like to admonish us on the fact that we should not belittle anyone however small that person might be. Do not forget the statement of Allah in the Glorious Quran that (paraphrasing) Do not look down upon your fellow brothers because you do not know whether he is better than you in the sight of Allah. The only thing that is constant in this life is change. Condition is never permanent. It is highly dynamic. A rich man today might turn poor tomorrow and a poor man today might turn rich in the future if Allah wills. As money changes hands so also does power and position. This world, by the resolute of Allah alone, has been structured to follow a normal distribution (bell-like) process. The implication of which is that not all can be at the top at the same time. Few have been placed at the highest stratum, a few at the middle and many at the lowest. If you are at the top today, you have been given that opportunity so that you can assist the ones below you in rank. And if you are low in rank today, do not be hopeless of reaching the top one day. It only takes a lot of determination, hard work and fervent prayers. Finally, may Almighty Allah increase me and all my brothers and sisters the world over in rank both in this world and the Hereafter. May He let us die as muslims, raise us back as muslims and admit us all to Janat Al-Firdaus (Aameen)!!!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 06:56:08 +0000

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