All praises are due to Allah Y ,cherisher and sustainer of His - TopicsExpress


All praises are due to Allah Y ,cherisher and sustainer of His entire creation, who has done a great favour to Mankind by sending his Beloved prophet r to this worldly life in this blessed month of Rabi’ul Awwal. We bear testimony that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and we bear witness that Sayyidina Muhammad r is His servant and Final Messenger. It is very difficult to cover the topic of Moulood un Nabi r in a single pamphlet, yet at the same time, bearing in mind that it is even more difficult for people in our times to read Islamic literature if it is too long, Hence we decided to write a few points relating to the topic of Moulood in a Question and Answer Fashion. Invite to the way of your Lord, with wisdom and beautiful exhortation; and argue with them in ways that are better: for your Lord knows best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. [S:16V:125] Q: What is Moulood ? A: It is a social gathering, an activity used as a platform of education to instill in the hearts of Muslims the teachings of the Holy Quraan and Sunnah. It is also used to thank Allah Y for blessing us with the greatest prophet and being from amongst the best Q: Is Moulood a Bid’ah ? A: No it is not, because a Bid’ah is something that is new in the religion what is not from the religion. So if a new practice is done and goes against the Shari’ah, it will be considered Bid’ah and incorrect, however if these actions fall in accordance to the Holy Quraan and Hadith, then it cannot be a Bid’ah. Thus we affirm Moulood is not a Bid’ah. Q: What actions take place at Moulood and is it Allowed in Islam ? A: 1) Inviting Muslims to good: “Help one another in righteousness and piety” [S:5 V:2] = Allowed 2) To be in good company: “And keep yourself patiently with those who call on their Lord morning & evening, seeking His pleasure” [S:18 V:28] = Allowed 3) Gathering to learn About Allah Y & His Rasool r : “Announce the Good News to My Servants, Those Who listen to the Word, and follow the best in it: those are the ones whom Allah has guided, and Those are the ones endued with understanding.” [S:18 V:17-18] = Allowed 4) Publicizing the greatest Favour of Allah, Muhammad r “publicize well the favors of your Lord”.[S:93V:11] = Allowed 5) Reciting the Holy Quraan “Recite, then, of the Qur’an that which is easy for you”. [73/20] = Allowed 6) Praising the Prophet r “ And we have elevated for you, your Remembrance” [S:94 V:4] = Allowed 7) Lecture “Enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah” [S:3 V:110] = Allowed 8) Salawaat and Salaam “Surely, Allah and His angels send blessings to the Prophet. O you who believe, you too send Salwaat upon him, and send your Salaam to him in abundance” [S:33 V:56]. = Allowed 9) Dua: “Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer)” [S:40 V:60] = Allowed 10) Giving food to your guest “ A person asked Rasoolullah r“What Action is best in Islam? He replied, “To feed people… [Bukhari] = Allowed IF ALL THESE GOOD DEEDS ARE ALLOWED BY ALLAH Y HIMSELF, WHO DARES TO CLAIM IT AS BID’AH OR HARAAM ? Q: Did The Holy Prophet r Celebrate His Moulood ? A: Yes he did! “ Once the prophet r was asked “why do you fast on a Monday? He r replied it is the day in which I was born.” [Muslim, 2/819, H-1162 ] The prophet r celebrated His birthday every week. He used to Fast to show Gratitude to Allah Y. When we celebrate Moulood, we do it to show gratitude to Allah Y as well. The form maybe different but the goal is the same. Alhamdulillah whether you fast, or whether you hold social gatherings of knowledge and love of Rasoolullah r , both forms are protected by the Shari’ah. The Other Form Of Gratitude : Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri t reported that: the Messenger of Allah rwent out to a circle of his Companions in the Masjid and said, `What has made you sit here?’ they replied that they are sitting together to remember Allah and to praise Him for guiding them to Islam and to show gratitude for bestowing them with Rasoolullah ras a favour upon them, He r asked, are you sitting here together for any other reason? ‘They said: there was certainly no other purpose, He r said, Jibreel u came to me and told me that Allah Y was talking proudly of you to the angels.” [Muslim4/ 2075 Hadith number 2701]. Points to be Noted 1) Companions had a gathering. 2) It was in the Masjid 3) Rasoolullah r did not order them to hold such a gathering, but they did. 4) They informed the Prophet r that they were Thanking Allah Y for favouring them with Rasoolullah r 5) Allah Y was Pleased with such a gathering. 6) Rasoolullah r approved this social gathering. Q: Islam Is Complete, So Why Are You Adding Something New? A: We are not adding anything to the religion, but indeed we are inviting people to good taken from the Quraan and Sunnah as proven above. Allah Y also affirms this: “And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, “Indeed, I am of the Muslims.” [S:41 V: 33] Q: How can we attend a Moulood when some Haraam acts take place at these gatherings ? A: 1) If some incorrect acts take place, it cannot make the essence of that action Haraam. E.g.: if people cheat and steal when they go for Hajj, can you say Hajj is Haraam because haraam takes place there. Or are you going to say Hajj is Haraam because males and females are intermingling, Or because the Haram got air-conditioners, and mic systems which were not used by Rasoolullah r ? If you have a deep cut on your Finger, you will go to the doctor for stitches, you won’t cut of your whole Arm. Likewise if there is any incorrect actions being done at these gatherings, we should condemn that incorrect action and not the entire Moulood. These acts maybe done / practiced At the Moulood but are not from the Moulood, like in Hajj, there are wrongs that take place, but we cannot say that these evils are from the actions of Hajj, Likewise if some ignorant people do some incorrect actions we must not say it is part of Moulood, instead we should try to correct those people. Conclusion These social / public events which are hosted for the promotion and propagation of Islamic Education and the love of Allah Y and His Rasool r is permissible in Islam. Don’t Be The Brothers Of Shaytaan!!! Dont Stop People From Attending Moulood and Learning About our beloved Nabi Muhammed r Those who love to publish & broadcast scandal among the Believers will have a grievous Penalty in this life and in the Hereafter. [S:24 V:19] O you who believe, do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Whoever follows the footsteps of Satan, (should know that) he orders (one to commit) shameful acts and evil deeds. [S:24 V:21]
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:39:36 +0000

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