All progress depends on the gambit claims made by what many would - TopicsExpress


All progress depends on the gambit claims made by what many would assert are unreasonable people. Clearly in every conflict there is a time to stand firm and a time to negotiate, and only fools negotiate with an opposition that has revealed itself to be incapable of honouring commitments and devoid of even basic human decency. Still it is conceivable that a time may come when Palestinians decide that negotiating even with a deceitful enemy becomes necessary and appropriate. But nobody negotiates from a position of weakness with a belligerent enemy by conceding all ground even before the jackals come to anything even remotely resembling a negotiating table. The occupiers of Palestine have made it patently clear that the only thing they will negotiate is the unconditional capitulation of Palestinians, and with this base position always in mind, the occupiers have never stopped trying to infiltrate, corrupt and destroy any organization which might develop into a legitimate organ of the Palestinian Nation, with a mandate to negotiate a just outcome to this continuing crime against humanity. Yet what we see over and over again is that many outsiders who identify as being supporters of Palestine and even of the wider Arab cause, in reality start from a position which concedes everything to those they claim to oppose at the expense of those whom they claim to support. Of course if we consider what actually motivates many people who claim to support Palestine, more often than not we will discover it is something other than a genuine identification with Palestinians or Arabs. More often than not, driven by ideological convictions which are anathema to Palestinians and other peoples in the region, we outsiders tacitly impose our own vision of how we imagine Palestine and other Arab world nations should exist; typically a view which is far closer to the Eurocentric view of society carefully inculcated in us from birth by the NWO societies we often profess to reject than a view which reflects the history and culture of the Palestinian nation. Still others again are the tragic human refuse inevitably generated by the Wests corporatist system built around the cults of self and greed. It suits the occupiers only too well that such individuals should tarnish tbe cause by associating it with their various brands of hate, extremism and lunacy. And then of course, there are the politicians. All I can say is thank God for the many decent human beings who, wherever they may be or come from, are the exceptions, even if only the exceptions that prove the rule.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 03:03:31 +0000

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