...All rats gotta die....even Master Splinter. -Weezy Well, hes - TopicsExpress


...All rats gotta die....even Master Splinter. -Weezy Well, hes done it again. Im going to go out on a limb here and say Former NSA Contractor Edward Snowden did not grow up in the slums or trailer parks of any major American city and likely did not attend public school. In maintaining his quest of tattle-telling his way to fame, he has yet again caused mass hysteria by alerting the governments of France, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, and Germany that the United States is monitoring their phone calls and emails. This has sent shocks of outrage across the international community. Snowden, seen on tape receiving the coveted Best Snitch in an International Performance Award in Russia last week, provided this information. Now, in proper form, the Obama Administration has denied they were doing any of this. But this entire incident brings up some valid points that need to be addressed. 1) What if Snowdens information is incorrect? What if, in his quest to expose America, he has run out of information (and usefulness) and is just making this stuff up in order to maintain his Russian asylum? Not saying he has, but when America and its allies are searching globally for you because of snitching, its best to keep down that path. Otherwise, folks get tired of wasting valuable resources and financially viable international relationships on hiding you...and feed you back to the angry folks you snitched on. By any means necessary, right?!? 2) Snowdens quest to expose America for spying completely neglects the fact that ALL major nations have spy networks whose sole purpose is to infiltrate and gain access to classified information. Whether its the NSA, or KGB, or MI-6, spying is jumping off around the world. And Im not dumb enough to believe that the countries mad about us allegedly spying dont have their own spying going on here. Boris and Natasha have been sneaking around for quite a while. And Germany?!? Germany?!? Do I even need to address this? I wont go there today, but lets just say your history of cooperation and collaboration has only kicked in during the last 50 years. In the words of Uncle Ruckus (no relation), Dont trust them new *@!*s over there! 3) Lets say that, worst case scenario, Snowdens information is 100% correct and unbiased (for sake of argument). If it is all true, what happens next? Does that mean we cant talk business anymore? Does that mean your country does not want to sell Benzses and B-Mers (BMWs) to a hungry, consumer-based, luxury-needy group of monied America buyers anymore? Does that mean you want to go to war with us? Our military is still the best fighting force in the world. Does that mean you dont want to kick it with The Obamas anymore? Or is this all a futile ploy to make it seem as if all of our respective countries are capable of sustaining themselves without a social and cooperative international community? I mean, if we dont work together, we all suffer (the US included). Its kinda like dating a wealthy benefactor who lavishes you with gifts, honor, and praise, but checks your phone from time to time to make sure you aint scheming on his endz or flirting with that broke hood dude from around that way that you used to eff with. Aint nothing wrong with being cautious and examining your investment. After all, if you dont like it, you can always leave. But you know just as well as I do that when youve had filet mignon, its kinda hard to go back to Hamburger Helper. But its your choice though! In closing, stop listening so much to strays when youve got your own spy network to rely on. Second, lets just all get along and get this money/diplomacy/foreign relief/humanitarian aid/commerce popped off. We have enough legitimate global crises to worry about...no need to trip over some glorified hearsay. Besides, if NSA has our phones tapped and we are US Citizens, how can you not expect that your jants got tapped too? It aint personal....in fact, its EQUAL OPPORTUNITY!!! #RupertMurdochIsConfused... ##SnitchesGetStitches(AndApparentlyAwards....WhoKnew?!?) ###Hey...IDidntOrderThisPizzaDelivery...
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 12:21:41 +0000

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