All right! Another snippet from Fake It--slightly longer this time - TopicsExpress


All right! Another snippet from Fake It--slightly longer this time but I hope it all comes across. And look! I actually figured out I can hit {return} :) --This is Jake and Anna at the Rehearsal dinner...well, OUTSIDE of the where the rehearsal dinner is being hosted-- “I’ll do it all with you, sweetheart. Everything you want—whatever you want—however many times you want it to happen. Here, back at the house, wherever.” He leaned away from her and smiled crookedly. “Now seems good, actually.” A shout of laughter, so close it felt right next to them, shattered the silence. The crash of loud conversation swept over them, and Anna stiffened. Suddenly, she realized where she was—and what she was doing. And with whom. And at what event. And how close other people were. “Jake—” she said, “I think we should—” But Jake chose just that moment to slide his fingers up over her hip and down again, now so very close to the center of her where she was literally pulsing with desire. He inched his fingers down the edge of her panties and she squirmed against him, the need within her spiraling up once more. There was no way that he would be able to miss how damp the fabric already was, if he hadn’t caught her terribly subtle panting. “Seriously, Jake, we can’t—not here.” She sighed heavily, almost desperately as Jake dropped his head to her neck and began nipping a small trail of kisses along the curve of her shoulder. His hand moved the final inch and cupped her body at the juncture of her thighs, and her breath left her lungs on a strangled moan. “Shhh,” Jake said. “You wouldn’t want anyone to hear you, would you?” And he drew his knuckles over the top of her panties, the gentle pressure turning her inside out. “You’ve got to—ohhhh,” she moaned, as he shifted direction and pressure, seeing what made her twist and gasp, while holding her firmly in place, braced against his legs when her own legs were threatening to give way beneath her. “You’re so ready, so hot,” Jake murmured in the cool darkness, and Anna felt her head fall forward, heavy on his shoulder, even as the sensations he was evoking were heightened and twisted. Then Jake took advantage of her position and bent to speak. “That’s right, Anna, slide over the edge for me,” he murmured, his words lighting her body on fire. “Let me feel you break here, and know that I’ll give you more, so much more, so much more than you can possibly imagine. Take you places you have never— “Jake,” Anna intended the words as a warning, but it sounded like nothing more than breathy encouragement. She realized her body was moving now, meeting Jake’s fingers stroke for stroke as he took her higher and higher. “I think, I think you should—ah!” she gasped as his fingers shifted just a little, and suddenly she was on the precipice, almost falling, almost there— “Just ride it out, sweetheart. Let it go. Imagine me filling you up, hard and tight against you, touching you right here, just like this, buried inside you, making you mine—” And just like that she shattered, the orgasm almost hitting her sideways, as some minute twitch of Jake’s fingers suddenly plunged her over the other side, the convulsion of her movement making him immediately change position and grab for her, pressing her close, holding her tight, as she shuddered and gasped and twisted, adrenaline and release skating through her. She’d barely caught her breath when Jake straightened. “You know, maybe we should go back and mingle some more,” he said, his words crisp and defined when even her thoughts felt mushy and soft. She could hear the smile in his voice. “People might talk.” “What? Oh,” Anna managed, her brain slowly clearing. “Well—of course, if that’s what you want.” She bit her lip, turning to peer into the distance, where the lot of cars and one shiny motorcycle awaited. “But your bike is not so far away from here is it? I wouldn’t mind going back to the guest house, if you’d rather,” Anna said. She voiced the next words that came into her head, not realizing until too late how needy they sounded. “We only have tomorrow, you know. Then the weekend will be over and it’s back to real life.” Jake chuckled, then held her back from him, his teeth flashing in the filtered moonlight, but his eyes unreadable. “Keep telling yourself that, Anna, if it makes you feel better,” he said softly, sending a whole new set of emotions spinning through her. “But there’s a whole lot of road between now and real life.”
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 00:42:53 +0000

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