All sorts of myths have been spread by these people. How can rain - TopicsExpress


All sorts of myths have been spread by these people. How can rain water behave like a human being and approach Ahalya with immoral intention? Water is the source of life. We all including animals and other living beings owe our existence to water. Water is, thus, like God to us. When it comes down in the form of rain, Earth drinks it and quenches her thirst. The whole world knows it. But these evil minded people have maligned the wife of rishi Gautama and also our source of life, i.e. water presenting it as a human being. They created confusion in the minds of the people by widely circulating books containing myths such as these. Ravana too had circulated books of demoniac foreboding in order to confuse the people. The banias following in the footsteps of Ravana are performing the despicable rite on the eighty four lakh Kundis. Having lost their sense of judgement, people say that the Moon was standing guard at the instance of Lord Indra. Nobody in his right senses would accept it. Why should Chandrama (the Moon) agree to be an accomplice in an act of sin? Moreover, the Moon or the Sun are no human beings. God has made the Sun and the Moon as the source of light for Mother Earth. Those who say that Ahalya turned into stone as a result of her husband’s curse and then again came back to her original form of a woman and went up to the sky after she was freed from the curse, are indulging in falsehood. Just think, how a woman can turn into stone. How can she go up to the sky? These are all cock and bull stories, which have been circulated with a deliberate intention of confusing the people at large. This story of rishi Gautama and Lord Indra and several other mythical anecdotes are given in the Tulsi’s Ramayana, the Bhagwat and Avatar Charit. These and hundreds of other books are in circulation which contain such myths. You can see for yourself that there is no end To the false and irrational stories being spread through these books. But people are blindly following whatever has been written in them and take them as true and authentic. Bereft of right thinking they are not able to discern whatever they are facts or fiction. A number of books containing such falsehood have been published by these mahajans who attributed them to the pious souls and sages of ancient times. They had taken recourse to publishing and circulating these books in order to hide their own identity and their sinful activity. These banias have concealed the original religious texts which teach people morality and righteousness. These mahajans have very cunningly referred to God and his kindness and certain true and righteous things in the beginning in these books so that people have faith and trust in them. Rests of the contents are full of falsehood. People do not bother to find the true religious texts. They are being misguided by these irreligious books. By reading these books people are falling in the trap laid by these books and almanacs make ominous predictions and motivate people to perform sacrificial rituals. Thus people are encouraged to commit sins. This has impelled me to write this book so as to warm you against their knavery on the one hand on the other to motivate you to follow the right path. I want you to try to preserve the truly religious texts and adopt a righteous course. I also want you to do something to dismantle the diabolism of these people and to free yourself from their influence. As I have told you Ravana wanted to harm the world and for that he circulated certain texts whose authorship was attributed to the saints and sages of earlier times. He did so to keep his identity and his nefarious activity as a closely guarded secret. He Would not take the responsibility of all the evil deeds that he committed. Similarly, the mahajans of our time have taken enough care not to mention their names of some revered sages as the authors of these books. Lord Ramachandra during Ravana’s time and Lord Krishna during Kansa’s time had thrown those dubious books into the rivers. In their place original texts preaching morality and good conduct were given to the people. These books opened the eyes of the people who could then realize what was good for them. Only then they could prevent a great catastrophe which could otherwise have engulfed the entire generation. Impelled by the same pious motive I, a poor Sadhu, warn the people of the world that the mahajans are playing the same game and therefore they should follow the path shown by the truly religious books. It has been stated in the Bhagvat (chapter 10) that during the days of Shri Krishna there lived naunandas and nau-upnandas. One naunandas had 9 lakh cows and one nau-upnanda had 1.25 crore cows. Those cows used to go to the Govardhan Parvat (a hill) for grazing. You can just imagine how a small hill could have accommodated a total number of 1.34 crore cows. Then again it is said that Lord Indra had an altercation with the people of Brij. He got angry with them and threatened to submerge the entire Brij. When Lord Krishna came to know about it, he lifted the hill on his little finger and made it a protective umbrella and thus saved the Brij land. Again a big myth. How can anybody lift a hill. It is not a stone weighing a seer or mound that anybody can just lift it. These fantastic stories are being widely publicized by the mahajans. You should not allow yourself to be misguided by these people. If you do not make a serious attempt to do away with their acts, these banias will destroy you and your children. A story going around among the people of the world describes the fight Between Lord Rama and Ravana at Lanka and also how Lakshmana on being struck by an arrow shot by Ravana fell to the ground and ‘died’ and how Hanuman when sent to bring sanjeevani (a plant with powers to restore the dead to life) uprooted the entire hill. The story further says that when Hanuman was carrying the hill on his hand, Bharata the younger brother of Rama saw him and thought that some enemy of his brother was carrying the hill to throw it on the army of his brothers. If he succeeded in his mission, both his brothers along with their army would be crushed under that huge hill. Fearing this Bharata shot an arrow aiming at Hanuman and Hanuman fell down. When Bharata recognized Hanuman he realized his mistake and dispatched Hanuman along with the hill of Sanjeevani to his brother Rama on his arrow. How ridiculous is this all! An arrow is not a horse or a cart which can carry a person from one place to another. And was it a hill or a piece of stone weighing a couple of a few kilograms? An arrow is so light that it cannot bear the weight of a small coin not to speak of a hillock, So these are all bogus stories which have been circulated to create confusion in the minds of the people, Unfortunately, people are believing in these stories in the homes of both Hindus and Muslims. These books have been circulated by the banias. Nobody knows how many such books are in circulation. They have given these books to Hindus and Muslims without disclosing their identity. They are sure that if somebody ever tried to get at the bottom about the source of these books he will never reach them. The Hindus and the Muslims will start fighting with each other. The children of the Hindus, Muslims and Christians will be killed in the riots, while the banias will remain untouched. The ancestors of the Hindus, the Muslims were the devlic of the Almighty. Some of the books are not genuine. They are the Product of the banias and have been very cunningly placed in the hands of the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians et al. Their coming generation will be doomed and nobody will ever question the banias. You know these unscrupulous merchants and money lenders have usurped almost the entire wealth of the world and whatever is left will soon be taken over by them by means unknown land across the seas. So, something has to be done quickly so that the people of the world could take a sigh of relief sooner than later. I would therefore impress upon you to give a serious thought to what I am suggesting and take steps to free the world from the Indrajal of the banias. That alone can generate happiness and prosperity to the people at large. They are planning to take the entire riches in their possession and control so that they could rule the whole world. They are polluting the minds of the people and creating communal hatred and so that they start fighting with each other and become each other’s sworn enemy. The Hindus will be instigated against the Muslims andviceversa and they will never know who the trouble maker is. People will be subjected to a lot of suffering. Their children will be doomed. The Hindus will blame the Muslims for their problems and likewise the Muslims will hold the Hindus responsible for their woes. The rulers and the people of other countries and kingdoms will attack the Britishers and then they will set the Britishers against other ethnic communities. So something needs to be done urgently to foil to from social harmony and economic well being of the world, or else, we all are destined to be doomed. They are very shrewd. They always keep themselves away from the scene so as to avoid being exposed. They are extremely money- minded. When according to their game plan there will be very few people left in the world they will dictate them. However hard we may try we can never compete the saudagar-mahajans in the matter of accumulation of wealth. The Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians and people of other faiths all over the world, put together will not be able to compete them in the matter. They will wipe out the population of the three-fourth part of the world by their demoniac deeds. They will have fewer people inhabiting one-third part of the world, who will not be able to pose any challenge to their authority. Till such time banias will maintain a low profile. Once they succeed in their mission of decimating a large part of the population, they will gear up their act of diabolism and corrupt the minds of the people of the world. When Ravana acted in this way, he had thought that he, along with his children, would remain firm in the saddle for all times to come. But people got wind of his secret sins and finished him along with other members of his clan. The banias do not think that sins committed by them cannot remain a secret for a long time and once it is known to the people, they will join hands and kill the sinners. Their insatiable greed for money has driven them to spread their tentacles of diabolism far and wide. They have captured the minds of the people. When Ravana went ahead with his sinful activity, he was exposed and people killed him and his entire clan. Vibhishana dissociated himself and his children from his brother Ravana’s misdeeds. He wanted to put a stop to Ravana’s sins and with this end in view he told the whole world what all his brother Ravana was up to. This ensured a secured future of his children. He was a true devotee of God. He was God fearing and didn’t want to be a party to his brother’s wrong doing. He thought that if he continued his association with Ravan, it might tarnish his reputation as a true devotee to God and he might meet the same tragic fate which awaited Ravana This thought made Vibhishana stick to the path of righteousness which he had chosen for himself. His noble deeds earned him a very respectable position among the devotees of God and he is remembered till this day with reverence. They say and even some books testify that the banias like Ravana had indulged in this sinful act earlier also. When the report of their secret activity reached the rulers, they inquired from them whether the report was true. When they denied, the rulers subjected them to intense interrogation. All the Jain temples were demolished once or twice. The idols were disfigured. When the rulers had almost decided to finish off all the members of the banias community, the banias broke down and accepted their guilt and prayed to the rulers for forgiveness assuring them on oath that they would never ever indulge in such acts of sin. This is how they could escape death penalty to themselves and their children. For some time they were lying low. Vibhishana was a religious person in the true sense of the term, he did not allow the sin to continue in his family. But the banias had no scruples about committing this sin. So very soon they resumed their sinful activities. Earlier the rulers had pardoned the banias because the latter had pleaded for mercy. While some people among the public were in favour of extreme punishment to be given to the sinners, there were others who requested the rulers to take a lenient view of their wrong doing. The rulers, in view of the assurance given by them on oath (of cow and pig) that they would never repeat their fiendish activity, pardoned them accepting the advice of the people of half of the world who favoured amnesty to them. The rulers, however, could never imagine that the unscrupulous banias would so soon be back with their old game. If they know then that the banias were untrustworthy and dishonest and would not respect their word of honour, they would never have spared them. The banias have assured their rulers and this fact has been mentioned in the books and other writing that they would serve them and their coming generations as their humble subjects. But the rulers did not for a moment think that actually the simple farmers were their law abiding subjects and that the banias who were crafty and scheming people, can never be their humble subjects. As soon as they (the rulers) turned their back they would not lose a moment to start their demoniac game once again and would ruin the children of both the rulers and common citizens. Since they were not given the punishment they deserved, they could amass huge wealth. No other community is in possession of so much wealth. These unscrupulous people have drained a lot of wealth from all parts of the world. Apart from their declared assets, a lot more is undisclosed which they have acquired by dishonest means. They live a life of austerity to hoodwink the people and to avoid the scrutinizing gaze of the world. They are afraid that once the world got wind of their sinister conspiracy, people will forcibly take away their wealth and distribute it among all sections of society and thus prosperity will return to people and with that will return the Satya-yuga(the golden age). In the conditions that prevailed in the Satya-yuga all the people will have enough money and food and there is no scarcity of anything. But these treacherous men would not allow this state of general prosperity to prevail. They intend to grab the money from every household. They have already impoverished India and now they have set their eyes on other countries. They have already opened their business establishments in those countries. They proposed to invite the foreigners to come to India and rule this country even by promising them financial support. They want the Hindus and the Muslims living in this country to be ruined at the hands of the foreign rulers, so that they could possess whatever wealth is left with the people of this country. The people and rulers of foreign lands do not understand their real motive. They do not know that finally they will be the victim of their insatiable greed of money and wealth. If they find out the intention of these saudagar-mahajans. They will finish each one of them. But unfortunately, they are completely unaware of their dark deeds. So, I take it upon myself to inform you of the sinister motives of these satanic elements so that you, the people of the world, join hands unmask them and save your coming generation from ruination at their hands. If you love your children and you want them to lead a happy and prosperous life, you will have to do something to expose them to the whole world and to dismantle their web of sin. Otherwise, they will bring disaster to the world and its people in the same way as the demon kings Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Karun and others had done by first destroying the intellect of the people of all the three worlds. Therefore, I want to address their appeal to all the people living in any part of the world-all Hindus, Muslims, Christians and followers of other faiths, to get united and emulate the people of the earlier eras who had jointly fought against the tyranny of the demon king Ravana and others. You should also, in the same way, jointly take action to rid the world of the sins of these modern days Ravana. Just see, a handful of these people are creating problems for the people of the whole world. They are looking forward to that day when the number of other people in different parts of the world including the kings and their subjects will come down sharply as a result of their sinful activity. Then they will hold reins of power all over the world. At present they are far out-numbered by the people of other communities including the ruling elite and common citizens. That is why they are afraid of retribution and so are not openly indulging in their activities. They have created conditions in which people in large number are dying of various diseases. They let people know about their fate in advance by making ominous predictions of famine and natural calamities. They are engineering dissension among various sections of society-the Hindus, the Muslims and other. They use their mystical power to corrupt the minds of the people who are provoked to fight with and kill each other. They are planning to lure the rulers and other powerful people of other lands to come to India so that under the influence of their demoniac power they will be motivated to destroy the Indian people. This fact is known to the whole world and yet the people continue to be silent spectators. The future is bleak and a much worse and serious situation is awaiting us in which villages after villages and cities after cities will become desolate. Now you can find a village each at distance of just a few miles but soon a time will come when you won’t find any habitation within the area of hundreds of miles. The banias have already circulated such ominous prognostications in the name of some Sadhu and faqirs. They make people believe that these Sadhu and faqirs have strong premonitions and as an ordinary mortal sees certain things in his dreams, they, being the pious souls, see coming events in their dreams. Unfortunately, nobody bothers to think that this is all the doing of the banias who by performing the diabolic rite inject certain events and things in our dreams. God has nothing to do with this. As Ravana had roped in the gods and made them tools in his hands to spread his diabolism, similarly the Sadhu and faqirs are unwittingly playing in the hands of the banias and making predictions as suggested to them. To show to the world and the Sadhu and faqirs, these devils perform all religious duties as if they were great devotees of God. Ravana too presented himself as devotee of God and could deceive gods and even Lord Shiva was taken in. He asked his brother and son to perform the demoniac rite. The place of the ritual was inaccessible even to a bird, leave alone a human being.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 05:19:15 +0000

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