All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good people to do - TopicsExpress


All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. All that is needed to lose all of our rights and freedoms is for good people to do nothing. In the 60’s we lost our right to peacefully assemble together in the name of security. Today if you want to have an assembly in a public place you are required to get a permit from some office that means it has become a privilege not a freedom or right. Over the past few score years the Governments Federal, State, County, and City have been slowly chipping away at our rights to keep and bear arms. Well, that seemed to be okay with a lot of people as they could not reason we needed guns, besides we buy our food in the market now days we don’t have to go out and hunt. However the U.S. Constitution never mentioned hunting, because the reason for being able to keep and bear arms was not to put food on the table rather for self-defense and to keep Government at bay. Well-armed Citizens are just that, Citizens and unarmed citizens are Subjects. Here lately it is our Freedom of Religion that is coming under attack. We are being slowly limited where we can pray, unless you happen to be Muslim, and read Our Bibles. The Government has made Judges remove the Ten Commandments from their Courtrooms because it offends some people. The first amendment reads as follows: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The part of this amendment we are focusing on here is, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” it does not take a Constitutional Lawyer to understand what that says or meant. NO means NO! Now for the Very Highly Educated people here I will explain the rest of the first part which is, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” respecting means, “with regard to, with respect to, regarding, in respect of, relating to.” So far we have, “Congress shall make no law with regard to, with respect to, regarding, in respect of, relating to.” Establishment means, founding, formation, creation, setting up, launch, authorities, powers that be, the system, as the following all pertain to businesses and such they are obviously not what is being spoken of here, organization, institution, business, firm, company, concern, enterprise, organization, Now we have “Congress shall make no law with regard to, with respect to, regarding, in respect of, relating to; an establishment, founding, formation, creation, setting up, launch, authorities, powers that be, the system.” Religion means; faith, belief, creed, religious conviction, Prohibiting means, keeping out, leaving out, barring, ruling out, elimination, segregation, omission, Free means; gratis, free of charge, without charge, at no cost, complimentary, on the house, liberated, open, unbound, boundless, limitless, released, uncontrolled, uninhibited, emancipated, Exercise means; implementation, carrying out, use, employment, put into effect, implement, apply, employ, effect, bring to bear, So to bring us up to date we have we have “Congress shall make no law with regard to, with respect to, regarding, in respect of, relating to; an establishment, founding, formation, creation, setting up, launch, authorities, powers that be, the system of religion, faith, belief, creed, religious conviction, or prohibiting, keeping out, leaving out, barring, ruling out, elimination, segregation, omission, the free, gratis, free of charge, without charge, at no cost, complimentary, on the house, liberated, open, unbound, boundless, limitless, released, uncontrolled, uninhibited, emancipated, thereof.” Now we will look at the next part, which deals with the freedom of speech and that goes hand in hand with the first part because with out this part the first part is meaningless. “or abridging the freedom of speech,” Abridging means; shortening, editing, condensing, reducing, abbreviating, cutting. So the first and second parts of the First Amendment is; “Congress shall make no law with regard to, with respect to, regarding, in respect of, relating to; an establishment, founding, formation, creation, setting up, launch, authorities, powers that be, the system of religion, faith, belief, creed, religious conviction, or prohibiting, keeping out, leaving out, barring, ruling out, elimination, segregation, omission, the free, gratis, free of charge, without charge, at no cost, complimentary, on the house, liberated, open, unbound, boundless, limitless, released, uncontrolled, uninhibited, emancipated, thereof, or abridging, shortening, editing, condensing, reducing, abbreviating, cutting, the freedom of speech.”
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 16:17:43 +0000

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