All that week the weather was exceptional, with deep blue skies - TopicsExpress


All that week the weather was exceptional, with deep blue skies and hardly a breath of wind. While I looked forward to my dinner with Sabelle Gautier, I didn’t let the anticipation overshadow other, more mundane considerations. It was, in fact, that very week that I made my first real progress on the mission chronicle, which the bishop had asked me to compile. At first, I worked in my room at Constant’s house, but then, surprisingly, for it wasn’t my nature at all, I found myself wanting to go out and be among people. After some searching, I found a little café up at Sutro baths, with a view over Seal Rock towards the Farallon Islands, which were discreetly visible on those rare, clear days. No one seemed to mind that I lingered long after I had finished my breakfast, or that my table routinely became littered with pens and pencils and miscellaneous scraps of paper. Indeed, the atmosphere was altogether congenial, and I even developed a nodding acquaintance with the other regular patrons, who would tip their hats, or even mouth hellos when they saw me. I can fairly say I became a bit of a fixture in that café - together with those people, and yet alone in a delicate and exceedingly satisfactory equilibrium. Thursday night Constant arrived home with a carton of new clothes for us both that he had sluiced from the unpaid-or-unclaimed box at the dry cleaners. In a state of great excitement, he opened a bottle of Bordeaux and sat me down in his little living room. “You’ll never guess, cousin, but I’ve got the most amazing news. Alice Beauchamp has invited us, I mean the two of us - she was very clear on the importance of bringing you along – to the party of the year.” Pouring me a glass of wine, he spilled some on the rug, but seemed not to notice or care. “It seems that Deanna Durbin, the actress – I’m sure you’ve heard of her - is retiring from pictures to be with her third husband in France. Can you believe it? Made over three-hundred thousand last year, and she’s quitting! Anyway, the Hearst’s are throwing a party for her at their castle in San Simeon, which is, I must tell you, one of the true wonders of the Western World. Why they’ve got their own tennis courts, a theatre, the world famous Neptune Pool…” “I don’t play tennis,” I said. “Ha! That’s funny. You have a sense of humor, I always knew it. But I’m serious, cousin. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. All sorts of Hollywood types will be there, John Wayne, Hedy Lamarr, Gregory Peck. The boss is letting me off work early. It’s a long drive down the coast, we’ll have to leave before noon. Here, try on this dinner jacket…” “I’m sorry,” I said. “I beg your pardon?” “I’m afraid I will have to pass on the invitation. Please convey my regrets to Madame Beauchamp.” Constant sat heavily. “It’s obvious I’m not explaining this very well. I keep forgetting what a sheltered life you’ve led. Deanna Durbin…” “I’m sorry, really. I can’t.” “If it’s the holy fathers you’re worried about, you can rest easy. These are private affairs, no press allowed, and no one tattles for fear of being tattled on themselves. In fact, I’m told a mucky-muck from Loyola Marymount will be in attendance. He’s known the Hearsts for years. It might even be a boon for your career.” “It isn’t that,” I said. “What then, for goodness sake?” “I have a prior engagement.”
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 20:23:24 +0000

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