All the efforts in the HLP events has minimal impact if both the - TopicsExpress


All the efforts in the HLP events has minimal impact if both the MAJORITY of Singaporeans whose day to day livelihood were NEGATIVELY IMPACTED and Opposition parties do not have a COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGY AND GAME PLAN TO END THE 90% of PAP parliament seats domination thus putting a stop to ALL their PRO FOREIGNERS policies and legislations in the past one decade and more. PLEASE READ ON: These are the CURENT SENTIMENTS OF MAJORITY of the citizens. As Singapore continue to evolve, ALL government policies and legislations governance must raise its TRANSPARENCY beyond mere legal compliance to preserve MAJORITY OF SINGAPOREAN CITIZENS interest (not only the RICH and ELITES) while pursuing GDP AND ECONOMIC GROWTH and market confidence. We usually forgive once and maybe if were patient, to forgive once again. In the last one decade or more, the RICH and ELITES in both the private and public sectors and their inner circles had continued to thrive financially and socially during both good times as well as bad times AT THE EXPENSE OF MAJORITY of the citizens whose DAY TO DAY LIVELIHOOD continued to be NEGATIVELY IMPACTED. Though livelihood has been getting harder and harder, Singaporean citizens had voted for them again and again in the 2006 and 2011 general elections giving them more than a decade chances to RIGHT THE WRONGS. More than a decade had past and theyve not fulfilled their last 2 General Elections of PROMISES of providing affordable housing, transports, healthcare and education as well as mitigating the ongoing huge gaps in wages and wealth distribution and distribution. In the coming 2015/2016 general election, THERE IS NO MORE ROOM TO FORGIVE FOR THE THIRD TIME. These are the CURENT SENTIMENTS OF MAJORITY of the citizens. As Singapore continue to evolve, ALL government policies and legislations governance must raise its TRANSPARENCY beyond mere legal compliance to preserve MAJORITY OF SINGAPOREAN CITIZENS interest (not only the RICH and ELITES) while pursuing GDP AND ECONOMIC GROWTH and market confidence. Most Singaporeans residing in the middle and lower income groups as well as the poor and needy had already experienced HOW HIGH HANDED this one party dominated government HAD EVOLVED for the last few decades. MAJORITY of Singaporean citizens had given up and DO NOT WANT A ONE PARTY DOMINATED GOVERNMENT ANYMORE. Instead of the current ONE PARTY government DOMINATED BY 90% OF PAP PARLIAMENT SEATS, Singaporean citizens wants to have a STRONG OPPOSITION VOICES to represent them and to ENSURE FULL TRANSPARENCIES AND ALL THE NATIONAL AGENDAS ARE FULLY REVIEWED AND DEBATED BEFORE ALL POLICIES AND LEGISLATIONS ARE AMENDED OR IMPLEMENTED. For manjority of the Singapore citizens as well as the Opposition parties, to ensure that were able to secure a strong numbers of OPPOSITION VOICES youll need to have an OVERALL STRATEGY or GAME PLAN to take on much more than the current 7 parliament seats (at least 40 seats) in the coming 2015/2016 General Election so that the Opposition parties can TRULY and OFFICIALLY REPRESENT the MAJORITY of Singaporean who wanted the following changes. . RETURN OUR CPF SAVINGS at 55 years old, . FULL TRANSPARENCY from the government on MANAGEMENT OF OUR CPF savings via TH and GICs and government linked companies, . Review, refine and STOP processing the 6.9 million population white paper, . STOP ELITISM and further review and stop any potential SELF SERVING POLICIES in the government public and civil services, such as huge pay, increment and bonuses for the ELITES using tax payers money, . Further review and ENSURE affordable housing, transport, healthcare and education for MAJORITY of Singaporean citizens, . And many many others... Without an OFFICIAL MP TITLE, citizens and oppositions who oppose to many of the above will continue to encounter many barriers as well as harassments. Ive attached herewith my personal views and analysis for the coming 2015/2016 General Election which is just around the corner. Follow with some recommendations to both the citizens and opposition parties who wanted changes.. What is our current political environment now!!!! In the 2011 general election, the current ruling PAP government manage to secure 60% of the citizens votes and somehow has more than 90% of the parliament seats which is 80 plus seats!!!! Though the Opposition parties had 40% of citizens votes, ridiculously they only have less than 10% of the parliament seats which is 7 seats!!!! 40% of citizens voted for the Opposition parties for a reason. They wanted 40% of Opposition parties representation to bring forth their sentiments, views, feedbacks and more importantly to have a true and thorough debate on National agenda policies and legislations that may affect their day to day livelihood and their future. Majority of the Singaporean citizens whose day to day livelihood were negatively impacted by the last 1 to 2 decades of the current government policies and legislations mistakes had and are still paying high prices for the costly and inefficient public housing, transport, healthcare and education. On top of that, were currently living within a economically and socially divided environment day in and day out. Economic divide: huge wage disparity and wealth distribution as compared to a decade ago. Social divide: frequent conflicts between the 3 over million of Singaporean citizens and the 2 over million of foreigners comprising foreign citizen, PRs, FTs and others.... What do we foresee in the coming 2015/2016 general election!!!! Given the HIGH HANDED and non responsive government and the last decade of economic and social issues created by the pro foreigner policies creating huge negative impacts upon majority of the citizens, at least 70% of the citizens DO NOT TRUST AND WANT to have a ONE PARTY DOMINATED PARLIAMENT anymore. They are seriously looking forward to more opposition representation in the parliament. I belief their target is 40% or more as per their 40% votes that are indicated in the 2011 general election. However, these 70% of citizens are afraid of the following: 1) Many of these 70% are currently working in public and civil services and they are afraid that their job and career will be affected if they vote for the opposition. 2) Though many of the citizens wanted to have more than 40% of Opposition parties representation, they also are afraid of a election result whereby the opposition parties will win over more the 50% of the parliament seats thus relieving the PAP from government ruling. To mitigate the above, may I propose this potential strategy/solution to the 70% of citizens as well as ALL the Opposition parties for their review and consideration. To ALL OPPOSITION PARTIES, IF YOU CONTINUE YOUR CURRENT STATUS QUO participation in the coming general election, you WILL NOT make any further progress as has been seen in the last few general elections. Instead of participating in ALL SMCs and GRCs in the coming 2015/2016 general election, WORK TOGETHER to select and single out 40 parliament seats within the selected SMCs and GRCs wards. Participate only in these 40 parliament seats. OPENLY PUBLISH to the citizens the 40 SMCs and GRCs seats you are contending in. With this, even if the government continues to come up with their strategy of redrawing SMCs and GRCs in the coming elections, the MAJORITY of 70% Singaporean can still BE ASSURED of the 40 opposition parliament seats. To the 70% of citizens who wish to have 40% of Opposition seats representation in parliament, you also need to play your part. VOTE FOR the opposition parties in these 40 SMCs and/or GRCs wards. With the above understanding put in place, these 70% of citizens who seriously wish for 40% of Opposition seats will fulfill their requirement to ENSURE that all National Agenda related policies and legislations will be SERIOUSLY and FULLY DEBATED before they can be implemented. As for ALL the Opposition Parties, we understand your current challenges and predicaments of being constantly attacked by the 90% plus of PAP MPs as you do not have sufficient resources and voices to SERIOUSLY and FULLY DEBATE National policies and legislation before they can be implemented. If ALL OF YOU put away your differences and work together, ALL Opposition Parties in total WILL BE ASSURED of these 40 parliament seats and you will now have a COMBINED SUFFICIENT RESOURCES AND VOICES to truly demonstrate your CONTRIBUTIONS TO SINGAPORE AND THE 70% of citizens who place their trust in you in the coming 2015/2016 general election. If you can PROVE AND SHOW YOUR WORTHINESS and further gain the faith, confidence and trust of ALL the citizens after to 2015/2016 general election, the COMBINED Opposition parties may even have the chance to manage Singapore after the 2021 general election. To the Opposition parties, if you want to have this chance, DO YOUR PREPARATION early. To the 70% of voters, especially so for those who worked for the public and civil services who think that they DO NOT WANT to continue with the current one party dominated parliament and government and wanted changes, YOU ALSO NEED TO DO YOUR PART TO SUPPORT AND SECURE A BETTER FUTURE FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR FUTURE GENERATIONS. Stand up and vote for the 40 parliament seats selected and published by ALL THE OPPOSITION PARTIES. The CURENT SENTIMENTS OF MAJORITY of the citizens. For those who feel likewise, please help share this.....
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 06:13:14 +0000

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