All these people declaring they are strong by shutting people out. - TopicsExpress


All these people declaring they are strong by shutting people out. When did we start this notion that inner strength comes from shutting down? We dont measure physical strength by those standards, why are we measuring inner strength by them? You know what that does for you? Nothing! You know what that teaches your children? Nothing! Oh, Ive been there, done that. As a result of past experiences I have these nasty lingering side effects. I dont like to be touched or hugged, dont look people in the eye when talking to them, dont ask for help when I need it. Instead of a positive, comforting feeling...they leave me feeling awkward and uncomfortable. Of course, there are exceptions, but overall, thats not something I want Kira to learn. I dont want her to ever not feel comfort when being hugged. To feel like she has to take on the world alone, thats not for my daughter! Its no ones fault I am the way I am and I am not as bad as I use to be, but I dont know that I will ever not have that awkward feeling. There have been times Kira has come to me with a problem or a circumstance involving a child that was less than nice. I always tell her the kindest way to deal with it. I have been asked, Why do you tell her that? She needs to know that people arent so nice. The world isnt so kind.. Thats true! She needs to know that. She also needs to know that just because they arent doesnt mean she shouldnt be. We often love the wrong person too much, trust the wrong people with our secrets, and believe in people we shouldnt. In those times, we find ourselves facing a choice to walk away or shut down. I wont teach her to hide herself or run from pain. Walking away doesnt mean you give up, it means you value yourself enough to know when to get out. The pain shows us what we are made of. If I could protect her from pain, for her entire life, I would give my soul to do so. However, I cant, so I teach her if someone hurts you, breaks your trust, or pushes you to the side...thats a reflection of them, not you. Our strength is not measured by how much we hold back. Its measured by how much we put out there. Sometimes, it hurts. Sometimes, its a learning experience. Sometimes, it can change a persons life! To know who you are, to love who you are, and to be proud of that will get you further than you think. I feel sorry for those that lead such an isolated strong life.
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 15:10:02 +0000

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