All these protesters still acting like fools over something they - TopicsExpress


All these protesters still acting like fools over something they dont even understand. Time for them to brush up on their Bob Marley and get with the reality of times that arent still associated with slavery the way they want it to be, theres no comparison. Why did Bob Marley shoot the sheriff but not shoot no deputy? Lets examine this. The deputy is simply a hired, paid employee of the town, city, county, or state who is given a book of guidelines to follow and enforce the laws. The sheriff on the other hand is an elected official. He/she is elected by the people and charged with implementing and enforcing the laws that are handed to him/her by the state legislature and signed by the governor. It is the sheriffs discretion that decides what laws will be enforced by his/her deputies. The sheriff in that discretion has the option to keep a tight following of the laws as handed down, or can simply choose to side with the people and provide for more freedom. In the case of this song with shooting the sheriff, the sheriff is simply the example of the elected official and works better than saying, I shot the state legislator. This seems to be where the largest fault lies in the protesting that has gone on for the last 4 months with idiocy afoot from coast to coast. Now lets tie this slavery nonsense into this. What is slavery we must ask first. A slave is owned, forced to work for minimal or no wages, forced to stay in conditions provided by the owner, and forced to do whatever the owner requires them to do. The United States military is the closest thing to active slavery in this country today besides welfare. A free man chooses to work where he wants, live where he wants, and travel where he wants, spending his money how he chooses. A welfare recipient is given a certain amount of money to allocate towards food. A welfare recipient is given certain locations to live in and a subsidy to live there. A welfare recipients children are given a free education with them paying nothing into that education and free meals at school (I use the word free, but those of us who pay our property taxes, state taxes if applicable, and federal taxes actually pay for all the benefits). A welfare recipient is given their lighting and heating paid for (by those of us who donate extra on our bills, and taxes). To receive welfare benefits in many states, you can not own a car because that qualifies as an asset and allows you free travel to work, etc. Welfare is effectively slavery and given on condition of receiving votes for the politicians that make the laws that the deputies are charged with enforcing that are being protested and killed over. If thats not idiocy packed with redundancy then I dont know what is. Did I mention how poverty creates social unrest that incites violence and crime and angers those who are subjected to poor conditions toward those who arent poor. And want to vote for communism/socialism to create income equality for those who have no desire to earn their keep, yet deserve to have everything those who have worked for have. Freedom comes from a free people working their way through a free market where everyone has the same choices and same opportunities with limited government interference, not through income distribution that turns to everyone being given a job with everyone being distributed the same pair of shoes and same amount of bread everyday (communism/socialism). The moral of the story is if youre going to protest something, protest the correct thing by knowing what youre actually protesting about. Dont be a misguided, uninformed, uneducated, sheep in the heard, following blindly in a rage of injustice against those who have no control over the injustices you seek justice for. This is especially true for those voting for the elected officials who make the laws, creating the high poverty areas grow with social unrest, requiring more law enforcement activity to protect the public from the criminals the elected officials are effectively creating. All the kids with broken fingers at the school for the deaf and blind are learning more than the protesters and agitators, like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (neither are reverends by the way), have on the actual issue.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:04:30 +0000

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