All these years on FB has taught me a valuable lesson: - TopicsExpress


All these years on FB has taught me a valuable lesson: non-attachment. Youd think that lesson would be learned through my years of meditation or martial arts or other type of personal or spiritual development. But, nope. Its been Facebook. Why? Because, for many people, FB for business is, in large part, about posturing and showing off and sometimes even pretending. Logging in to FB or any social platform for that matter, can sometimes look like everyone is doing something better or more impressive than you and, as a result, it can be depressing. Of course, its not true. Youre doing fabulous things. But, it can often feel like youre just not doing enough or you cant keep up. So, I practice non-attachment. I just dont care. And I try my best not to be judgmental (thats the harder one). I know that most people just want to be liked and appreciated. I decided to write this because I was debating whether or not to post that Im giving a keynote for an Entrepreneur Magazine event in a few hours. But, why? Of course, on one hand its good for brand identity and maintaining my positioning in the market but, when I look back at the aggregate of posts Ive made that are similar, at a certain point it just feels like Im saying, Hey, look at me, arent I the bomb diggity!? Oh, and its important to practice non-attachment to the comments you get or dont get on your posts. OK, have to get in the shower to get ready for my keynote. :) P.S. I dont charge for typos. Theyre my gift to you.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 12:32:56 +0000

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