All this may sound reasonably interesting to the casual viewer but - TopicsExpress


All this may sound reasonably interesting to the casual viewer but for me it took on a greater and personal significance which I will now explain. Since 2005 I have been entangled in an unfolding mystery concerning Lincoln Cathedral, having earlier been assisted to the deductions from key elements in the enigmatic affair of Rennes-le-Chateau, a related significance being in the title of the Merovingian rulers of the Franks who were known as ‘The long haired monarchs’, the word ‘comet’ coming from the Greek ‘Kometos’ meaning ‘long haired’ in reference to its tail. A clue in my Lincoln mystery came from the alleged Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, Grail intrepid Rene d’Anjou and his ‘La Fountaine de Fortune’ (The Fountain of Fortune) in which a fallen knight has a pair of wings upon his helmet, with a heart between. Naturally we are given to thinking that the hazy orb in the sky is a diffused sun, but if we were to think of an approaching celestial body then what we could actually be seeing is the fuzzy, temporary atmosphere of a comet face on. That it is moving would explain the noted anomaly in the illustration of the shadows not being in the same direction, whereby we would expect them to be if cast by a fixed sun. The nucleus of a comet may also be referred to as its ‘heart’, and the wings it sits between in the illustration appear to duplicate the ‘wings’ or discharge of a comet. ‘La Fountaine de Fortune’ – Comet ISON approaching? Hidden away in the Choristers, the Cathedral has its own representation of a falling knight, the ‘Falling Knight’ can be found carved under one of the seats of the Misericords in the Choir Stalls, and here we take note that another meaning for ‘misericords’ is ‘a narrow bladed dagger used for killing wounded foe’. Lincoln Cathedral as seen from the air is in the shape of the Templar’s Cross of Lorraine, otherwise known as the ‘double dagger’ or ‘double cross’. Author David Wood with whom I entangled during 1985, in his 1994 book ‘Geneset – Target Earth’ announced through intricate geometry and numerology that he had decoded the famous inscription ET IN ARCADIA EGO that had baffled Rennes investigators for so long, and that it reduced to ‘ICE GOD’ in reference to a destined comet. The culmination of my Rennes-Lincoln and consequent deductions indicated that the biblical figure of Jesus had been a concoction of the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD in order to guarantee male as the predominant icon and to usurp Mother Goddess status and that this god-like male figure had been borrowed from an actual and powerful female figure recorded as Mary Magdalene. Furthermore the secret of Rennes-le-Chateau that terminates in Lincoln, England, is that ‘Jesus’ was therefore a female who met with a demise by dagger after being ‘double-crossed’. In the more orthodox story about a male Jesus, his death is by crucifixion with the added torment of the ‘Spear of Destiny’ – a relic of Nazi interest – piercing his side. The hanging arms of Christ being symbolic of the Fallopian Tubes. ‘Jesus’ a Female? Jesus as a female ? - Cathedral of Santo Domingo de la Calzada. Now, we refer back to the Comet IS ON, for the letters are an anagram of SION, the alleged Priory that watches over the Grail secret. Also, from the Rennes-le-Chateau Parchments that decode at Lincoln Cathedral is the enigmatic reference to 681. At the Cathedral, the numerals hide themselves equally spaced within the East Sun Dial. Recalling d’Anjou’s anomalous illustration of a sun that is actually a comet, we learn that Comet 2012 ISON is heading our way in along the same orbit as The Great Comet of 1680…. this year containing the key number 681, and so we have the two component parts, SION and 681. This giant piece of ice and rock’s scheduled appearance is on December 26th 2013 when it will be closest to earth and one cannot help but bring to mind the so-called star of Bethlehem the story of which led to the birth of the Jesus at a date almost identical. To return to and conclude with the dagger, a small sword that I have announced terminated the life of a pregnant Magdalene, if we take a look at the types of cometary forms, the second and third from the top are in the form of……. a dagger. Comets, seen as a dagger Will comet 2012 passing by the earth fulfil the prophecy in Matthew 10:34 attributed to Jesus, ‘I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword’? It may also fulfil the 2012 Mayan prophecy, taken out of all proportion by Doomsday merchants, announcing a New Cycle and the return of a ‘Great King’. Likewise, the prophecy of the mysterious hidden Tibetan kingdom of Shamballah, is that the preordained Maitreya accompanied by Gesar, mythic war hero of the Tibetans and storming on a white horse, will yield ‘a comet-like fiery sword ‘ in his hand. The Chintamani Stone, referred to as the very first Holy Grail on earth and of which part is allegedly kept in a monastery in Tibet at the entrance of Shamballah, may actually be a species of meteorite known as the dark green Moldavite. This green stone appears to be the one that fell from Lucifer’s crown in the Germanic Grail legend, and which entangles with my Lincoln Cathedral mystery whereby the final location of a ‘something’ to be retrieved, veiled in Magdalene imagery, is arrived at by the place name of ‘Greestone Steps’. Maybe the heralding of the SION 681 comet will pave the way for further entanglement to unearth, finally, the mystery that appears to await us there. Khatum Genaro Fernandez Vito Mucci Aldo Cruz Son BabySun Allegra Phoenix Amber Scott
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 00:46:07 +0000

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