All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. - TopicsExpress


All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. —Arthur Schopenhauer (German philosopher, 1788-1860) Truthism 101: Matrix Basics For those of you who have been asleep your entire lives, here are some basic things about reality that you just might want to catch up on. How Human Beings Deny the Truth Human beings on Earth like to blow off the truth by claiming that it is simply nonsense, calling it, for example, funny, hilarious, or entertaining. In addition, they automatically disregard the truth messenger as being a standard-issue schizophrenic who is obviously out of touch with reality. People desperately try to paint truth messengers as being non-lucid, mentally unstable, illogical, and so self-absorbed that they cant see things for what they really are. This is a very convenient way to quickly discard the truth and go on with ones life. Furthermore, when people come upon new information such as this, they erroneously assume that they have some sort of intellectual high ground over it. They start with the assumption that their belief system is correct, and, for whatever reason, vehemently refuse to acknowledge the possibility that they may have actually been deceived all along by their belief system. And thus, when confronted with counter-evidence, they automatically reject it. As a matter of fact, human beings are actually foolish enough to think that their conventional worldviews are the height of rationality. They neglect to factor the concept of intentional deception into their logical thought processes, and thus they fail to realize that the only reason why their worldviews seem so rational is because their worldviews are composed of a plethora of lies and distortions. So, in one of the greatest ironies ever, human beings think the lies that they are spoon fed are reality, and that the truth, on the other hand, is crazy, unrealistic, and bizarre. It is truly amazing how people are able to adopt one of Earths belief systems (whether it be a specific religion or atheism), walk through the proverbial door of enlightenment (or so they think), shut the door behind them, and then never look back. Worse yet, they are actually proud not to look back--proud of their own stubbornness. Once human beings are exposed to the truth, their decision to ridicule it manifests so quickly, one could mistakenly think that human beings are actually robots that were programmed to do so. Thus, if people really want to point the finger at someone who does not engage in serious critical thinking, they should go to the nearest mirror and point at themselves (rather than trying to point the finger at the truth messenger). There is far more to this world than taught in our schools, shown in the media, or proclaimed by the church and state. Most of mankind lives in a hypnotic trance, taking to be reality what is instead a twisted simulacrum of reality, a collective dream in which values are inverted, lies are taken as truth, and tyranny is accepted as security. They enjoy their ignorance and cling tightly to the misery that gives them identity (Thomas Cox, What the Truth is Not The truth is the truth, and is not necessarily politically correct or socially acceptable. As a matter of fact, the truth is by no means politically correct or socially acceptable. So, if you came here looking for some conversation material or water-cooler material, then you came to the wrong website. The truth is greater than man, so it will not bow down to your social needs, personal needs, or insecurities. And, your feeble-minded reasoning does not and cannot negate that which actually exists. The truth is not a function of human emotions, nor is it catered to the complex dynamics of human culture, interaction, or relationships. So, if the truth makes you feel embarrassed or awkward, then that is your own problem. As all truth messengers already know, human beings always stand in the way of one trying to spread the truth, via such tactics as peer pressure and ridicule. If one ever mentions the truth to a human being, the human being will quickly attempt to suck that person back into the mindless reality that is referred to, here on Earth, as the real world. The truth is an enemy of humanity. So, if you are a slave to the human race, then you will forever keep the truth at arms length. Therefore, you must pick one: humanity or the truth. Humanitys mainstream conception of reality exists merely for the sake of keeping society functioning and orderly. However, human beings incorrectly think that this synthetic conception of reality is reality. Worse yet, fake truth seekers try to get the truth to conform to this synthetic conception of reality. Truth is beyond social acceptance. Truth is maladjusted and cannot fit into the massively dumb patterns of ordinary relationships and activities. ... Greater truth cannot come to those who never bring up the possibility of it to one another. ... People do not inquire beyond their knowledge because they do not want to have any disturbing shift in their knowledge pattern. The cognitive system is calm and stable through avoiding any disturbing new truth (Gabriel Chiron, Truth is Greater Than Man). The Great Contradiction of You So-Called Rationalists You do not have access to Top Secret government information or to Top Secret government facilities. Nor are you a member of any of Earths secret societies. In addition, you were not born 5,000 years ago; you were born only within the last 100 years, so you were not able to see history unfold with your own eyes. Yet, despite all of these undeniable facts, you claim that you already know what the truth is. That is, just like how you know for a fact that 1+1=2, you also claim that you know for a fact what the truth is. So, um, how the hell is that possible??? Well, via compartmentalization, you are able to acknowledge the fact that government secrets exist and that secret societies exist, while simultaneously claiming that you, somehow, already know for a fact what the truth is. Wow, talk about being irrational! In reality, you simply base the truth upon what the media tells you and what Earths authority figures tell you. And, you are foolish enough to equate reading about an event in a history book to actually seeing that event with your own eyes. You dont believe religious texts, yet you still believe government texts such as history books and government belief systems such as science. As a practitioner of selective reasoning, how dare you call yourself a rationalist? You trust Earths authority figures because they are powerful and you think they are trustworthy. Obviously, however, these authority figures would never willingly incriminate themselves to you. If they did incriminate themselves to you, then you would no longer consider them to be legitimate authority figures. Officialdom Official doctrines, by definition, do not incriminate the officials who created them. If official doctrines did incriminate the officials who created them, then the officials would be looked down upon by the public, and therefore they and their doctrines would no longer be considered official. This is simple logic. So, as you can see, official doctrines are by no means synonymous with the truth. Rather, official doctrines are simply doctrines that were designed to keep in power the very officials who created them. Furthermore, the word official should not be associated with the word rational. Science is indeed an official government doctrine, yet it is not completely rational. The scientific community, in a bizarre and irrational manner, completely blows off the concept of government secrets. Science, by design and necessity, always downplays the significance of the governments power. Science must downplay the significance of the governments power because it is of the utmost importance that the ignorant followers of science who are not in the know, such as the common atheist, think only within the framework of status quo reality. If science did not downplay the significance of the governments power, then people would quickly realize that science is bullshit and that the status quo conception of reality is also bullshit. In other words, if people knew what really goes on behind the scenes, then they would quickly realize that science is just another form of control, courtesy of the ruling elite. Worshipping Authority Note that the only people offended by this kind of anti-science information are those who worship Earths authority figures. Although, these people will explain away such an accusation by claiming that science is synonymous with rationality, and therefore is simply the best way to seek the truth. In actuality, however, science is merely pseudo-rational: Science rejects the existence of certain phenomena, not because these phenomena arent real, but rather because the truth about these phenomena would incriminate the ruling elite. So, science is a fascist form of truth-seeking, and you pseudo-rationalists worship the dictatorial authority figures of science. Morality In essence, all of this talk about the mysterious and paranoid-sounding suppression of the truth simply boils down to the issue of morality. Human beings fail to realize that morality is not needed for those in power. Only the weak masses need morality, because they are not in complete control of their own destinies, and thus can be punished for any of their unsavory actions. So, when it comes to the matter of dispensing the truth, the ruling elite elect not to tell the masses the real truth about reality because they have absolutely no reason, motivation, or obligation to do so. If one takes a step back and looks at the general attitude of Earths authority figures, they will see that these authority figures do not exude the truth. Rather, when it comes to such tasks as disclosing information, these authority figures have an aura of shadiness. Instead of divulging all of the information that they know (such as Truthism does), they divulge as little information as possible. So, getting back to the matter of the ruling elite dispensing the truth to the masses, a great analogy for this would be that of a lion nonchalantly swatting away a fly with its tail: The ruling elite will invent any bogus (yet still within reason) religion or scientific theory just to keep the masses from questioning reality. However, more than just temporarily quelling the masses, these bogus belief systems are actually able to control the masses because people foolishly end up believing in them and taking them to heart. So, in other words, instead of people interpreting a bogus belief system as simply being a possible theory or possible explanation of reality, people totally succumb to (that is, adopt) the bogus belief system because not only is the belief system within reason, but it also came from a very powerful authority figure. The ruling elite are not anchored down by morality. They set the rules, invent the religions, invent the gods, invent the scientific theories, and do as they please. On the other hand, the masses are, by necessity, slaves to morality: If the common man does not behave properly, then, via the ruling elites rules, he may be punished. The logic of a common man is not the same as that of a man in power, because the common mans logic is infected with morality. The Continuity of Power, and Earths So-Called Ancient Mysteries Its hard for people to wrap their thick heads around the simple fact that the group of beings who built the ancient Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, and other so-called ancient mysteries is the very same group of beings who control Earth right now. Moreover, the group of beings who created ultra-popular religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism is, once again, the very same group of beings who control Earth right now. And, the group of beings who invented civilization, first in ancient Mesopotamia and then in ancient Egypt is, again, the very same group of beings who control Earth right now. And yes, group, not groups. The ruling elites deception against humanity mainly exists at a fundamental level, affecting the aspects of reality that you erroneously assume are basic truths. After all, its not as if you were born 5,000 years ago. Rather, you were born only within the last 100 years, and thus, you were born into a world that was already neck-deep in deception. So, for example, your understanding of history is skewed, because the so-called official version of history that you were taught was written by the ruling elite themselves.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 21:10:28 +0000

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