All voters must participate in elections - TopicsExpress


All voters must participate in elections Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate. The politicians and the political parties have got no past, no present and no future with them. They could not tell us what they had been doing for us in the past. What they are doing that too is not so bright. What is in their mind, that had not been disclosed to us. The people they forwarded to explain their future plans are not sure about the plans and therefore, they kept mum on this subject. The people of India are just voters. But somehow they had been performing their duties wisely and it is on record that they could abolish and root out family rule, then party dictatorship and they could also root out individual autocracy. They are just watching and suffering because they have got no participation in running the administration of this country. The people they forward too keep silent in the elected houses because the people who could establish government are only the people who could do anything in the houses. The opposition could have a walk-out or raise slogans in the houses or they may come out and start some type of agitation on roads. During the last seven decades, we are still being governed by the same laws which the British had framed just to keep us slaves and since the people elected by us were not competent, they could not find out wrongs in the laws and frame new laws. We are wasting much on the maintenance of our elected houses and they are not giving us much in return. We could not abolish these state legislative assemblies and could give all work to the parliament when the same is representing all the areas. When we are not framing new laws, so may units are not required to create heavy burden on the people. When our elected people are not doing much for us, we must reduce their number and must keep only one parliament and that too must be manned with properly educated, properly trained, having proper past and must be people who know the problems of the people. We are sad that our universities had been giving us proper people to man the bureaucracy, but our universities were not giving us people for our political side. We know that if we conduct an examination of these politicians and give them problems of the people, only 10 per cent politicians would be able to understand the questions and only 3 per cent shall be passing out. Under these circumstances, all these elections are futile exercises. But still we should come forward and cast our votes so that this democracy, though not complete democracy, must continue. Slowly and steadily we shall be achieving complete democracy and therefore, all the voters must participate in 2014 elections and must go a step further. There are still people who could be better legislators and we must examine each and everyone candidate and must give to the nation better people.. We are experienced voters and we must tell the world at large that that we can elect better government. 101-C Vikas Colony, Patiala-Punjab-India-147003
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 11:13:58 +0000

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