All who have studied the history of empire find that the - TopicsExpress


All who have studied the history of empire find that the inevitability of empire is: all empires eventually cease in their ability to--through the enigmatic but inevitable rises and falls of human collective behaviour--to dominate those they occupy by forces of gun and money. Domination is not the highest suit of human progress (it is driven basely by an animal instinct of the hypothalamic back-brain), so it comes as no surprise that empire is not an idea that is suitable to the highest aspirations of the 21st century (which is frontal lobe, visionary aspirations of high cognition and creation), where the possibilities inherent in digital democratisation are being designed, getting implemented, and beginning to clearly trump all as social media, and politics connected to it. That digital show-of-face began with the election of Barack Obama in 2008 which was itself a direct result of the mechanisms of webapp-mitigated democratisation lent him by powerful technological alliances. Lets recall that what the world is going through at present then, since it is not the collapse of Brand America (but rather the rise and shared propagation, in fact the de-Americanisation of it/*shared ownership* via technology), and concurrently the perceived collapse of the pax Americana which throughout the second half of the 20th century defined America as the global dominator a.k.a. a global military empire, is not the end of the deepest American values, but a potential renewal and refresher of it. The writing is on the wall; BRICS nations have now formed and funded a global bank to compete with the last empirical treasure-troves of the late 20th century facilitated chiefly by powerful American families; namely, World Bank/IMF, and to follow/give structure to: NAFTA, the WTO, the FTAA, etc. against which anti-globalisation activist intellectuals in the Americas mobilised in an attempt to raise awareness about regarding its true and complex motives in the late 90s and 2000-2001. Most recently, we now see finally the near-complete withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, meaning Obama actually is the anti-war president he set out to be, even though he had to speak for the continued military presence in Afghanistan during his initial campaigning. Strategy sometimes requires obfuscation, while tactical awareness is being tended to meanwhile/forthright to mitigate the inherent tendencies of those needing to work in positions mostly-tactics vs. mostly-strategies. Meanwhile, let us not fall into senseless polarisation in 2015. BRICS was not founded solely on singular currencies, but on a wide array of instruments. Why else would certain bold member(s) be so bold in their assertions against seemingly potentially fatal providences if it werent for new and powerful alliances, forged out of the strifes of development novel here in this century? Careful planning, tactics, strategy, and more notably the manifestation of visionary aspirations, takes place through slow and steady actions, one foot after another based in deep thoughtfulness/mindfulness vs. rapidity of time to market, actions taken from a high level without cautions/advisement, and other similar quality-stifling ideas which were in fact largely *invented by* the pax Americana only to stall the development of younger siblings in the development of the pax following many wars. Quality happens by taking careful steps (yes, as quickly as possible with wisdom), but not just quick steps. Remember; empire is domination, more than the pax--if it cannot dominate, then it is not an empire. But empire is not what the 21st century is about, now we get to escape that whole notion. We get to seek a pax of human beings, vs. a pax of nations. This is why Americans would do better to recognise that theyre at a turning point of incredible personal and inter-personal advantage, which is to expand their worldview to include others in the world as equals in their vision of global equity, since they stand to benefit most greatly in equity at this turning point, from an optimistic point of view. As Lonely Planet put it during the anti-globalisation movements; Do Something Great for your Country, Leave. Even furthermore, Americans stand to become more valid information *sources* for the rest of the world (vs. less-valid sources which the world is resoundingly agreeing are less-valid) if they would simply understand the inevitably of empires end in the ebb and flow of history and apply the context of current times to themselves objectively... American media sources, sadly, are not keen to recognise any of this due to a rising iron curtain of information setup by the inheritors of empire, and that is a dangerous thing, attempting to prevent this transition to occur with all their last resources. Further violent lashes from the tail of the dragon such as we witnessed at the open of the century will not do anyone any good, a dying dragon is simply what it is, and all history demonstrates that tendency. We get to choose whether we go with the phoenix of cosmic interrelatedness, acting based on the knowledge of history and what it can tell us about the most likely potentialities in the future, or choose to add fury to a fire that is going out according to the writing in the stars and according to what we know historically. Greatness is in those who know and act based on the incredible and complex nuance of history and rely on the wisdom traditions for guidance, not in those who extend and repeat its mistakes from a place of the small self, as a portrait of what every religious text paints us a picture of RE the senseless tragedy of and the inevitable consequences to self. Similarly, Christ taught Blessed are the Meek, for they shall receive the Kingdom of Heaven.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:08:51 +0000

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