All you have to do is walk down any street and observe people - TopicsExpress


All you have to do is walk down any street and observe people walking and you will see how badly the whole urban shoe wearing world needs foot education. Raising the awareness of just how important it is to maintain healthy foot function is essential. Whether young or old just begin looking at these very simple and obvious problems that most people have: 1. Almost always one foot turns out way more than the other. 2. Almost always you will find one or both arches and ankles dropping inward. 3. Observe how heels of shoes are being worn out differently from side to side. 4. Observe how many people walk with their feet turned out rather than walking from heel through the ball of foot into the toes. 5. Observe how many people shuffle their feet rather than walk. 6. Observe how many peoples feet hardly seem connected to the rest of the body. 7. Observe how the entire weight of the body seems to be collapsing down on so many peoples feet. 8. Observe how many people walk heel into big toe. 9. Just look down and watch any feet and the obvious problems that a person might be having in another area of the body comes from the feet! Train your feet to work right and your whole body will get the benefits!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:33:36 +0000

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