All you need to know about MCX / CurrentC payment system, is that - TopicsExpress


All you need to know about MCX / CurrentC payment system, is that it requires your social security number, and accesses your bank account in the same way that your employer does for direct deposit / withdrawal. Your name, social, bank account, and password are all stored on CurrentC servers, making it a single target for hackers to expose. IT IS INSANELY UNSAFE AND YOU SHOULD NEVER USE IT. On the other hand, Apple Pay uses an encrypted password thats generated using your finger-print, and is stored on a small, single-purpose, self contained chip on your phone. That chip has its own operating system that is not accessible to the rest of the iOS operating system, and this chip will destroy all the encrypted data if you declare your phone as lost or stolen. If hackers want to gain access to MCX / CurrentC, they can simply target a single server and access all your information, along with the millions of other credit cards used by the partner retailers (Walmart, Target, Rite Aid, CVS, Best Buy, 7/11, etc.) If hackers wanted to gain access to millions of Apple Pay accounts, they would have to steal millions of phones, spend hours gaining access to each phone (hopefully before you have all the data erased), and even then, they wouldnt have any of your personal information or your account. Apple Pay is here to save us from identity theft. Its here to tell these big retailers that its time to move past the credit card system that has been so easily manipulated and that these retailers have an obligation to the consumer - to keep them safe. But MCX / CurrentC are not concerned with your security. CurrentC is the product of Walmart and affiliate retailers who partnered up to build a system they can use to get direct access to your bank account and cut out Visa / MasterCard / Amex and their payment processing fees. Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Gap, Rite Aid, CVS, 7/11.. (there are a lot more, but CurrentC doesnt list them on their site to avoid backlash) Fight back!! If you have an iPhone 6 and want to protest against CurrentC, do any of the following; 1. Inform your friends about the danger of using CurrentC payment system. 2. Inform retailers that their actions to ban Apple Pay and promote CurrentC are deterring you from shooing at their stores. 3. Chose retailers that have signed up for Apple Pay, or those that have an NFC reader (which will work with Apple Pay). 4. Protest!! Go to CVS, Rite Aid, or Walmart, Best Buy, Target, etc., take out your phone at the counter and ask Why did you disable your NFC reader? Why cant I use Apple Pay?.. Then, leave your products at the counter and leave! 5. Share this post!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 17:31:49 +0000

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