Allah gives us gifts, but then we come to love them as we should - TopicsExpress


Allah gives us gifts, but then we come to love them as we should only love Him. We take those gifts and inject them into our hearts, until they take over. Soon we cannot live without them. Every waking moment is spent in contemplation of them, in submission and worship to them. The mind and the heart that was created by Allah, for Allah, becomes the property of someone or something else. And then the fear comes. The fear of loss begins to cripple us. The gift—that should have remained in our hands—takes over our heart, so the fear of losing it consumes us. Soon, what was once a gift becomes a weapon of torture and a prison of our own making. How can we be freed of this? At times, in His infinite mercy, Allah frees us…by taking it away. As a result of it being taken, we turn to Allah wholeheartedly. In that desperation and need, we ask, we beg, we pray. Through the loss, we reach a level of sincerity and humility and dependence on Him which we would otherwise not reach—had it not been taken from us. Through the loss, our hearts turn entirely to face Him.” Tips to Get Closer to Allah Together - For Couples These are 10 tips that can help foster your marital bond. Strive to incorporate these tips into your life. 1. Develop your relationship with Allah as a couple. Getting on the same page spiritually will not only bring you closer to Allah, but also closer to each other. 2. Pray together. As the saying goes, a family that prays together stays together. Yes, we have busy schedules, but consider making it a tradition to pray at least one prayer together each day. During Ramadan, strive to attend taraweh prayers together at least once per week. 3. Reflect on the wonders of Allah. Think about the vastness of the oceans or how a tiny bee makes honey. Think about how Allah blessed you with your first born child. Remember how Allah brought you two together after being total strangers to one other? These are amazing wonders of Allah and when we reflect upon it, it should bring a smile to our faces and soften our hearts. 4. Read Quran together. Take turns reciting Quran to one another one verse at a time. Reading the word of God inspires the individual, however, when done as a couple builds a common bond and provides interesting topics for discussion. 5. Study the life of the Prophet peace be upon him including his family life. Paying close attention to the hadiths about how the Prophet (peace be upon him) was patient, loving, and generous towards his wives and children is a roadmap that leads a couple to getting closer to Allah and to each other. 6. Read stories about the Prophets and their companions. Learning together about how the Prophets endured some seemingly unbearable challenges may help to put into perspective some of your own lifes challenges. As a couple, gain strength through the steadfast examples of the Prophets and their companions to work together as a team, not opponents, as you face the trials that come your way. 7. Attend conferences and seminars together. It is a good opportunity to spend quality time as a couple. Sharing common experiences builds new memories thus bringing you closer together. Furthermore, it is a chance to reunite with old friends and to meet new ones. Every couple needs a support system and wise counsel. Keeping connected to good trustworthy friends comes in handy when the inevitable challenges of life arise in a relationship. 8. Read books about Islamic topics together. Learning new information is not only intellectually stimulating, but it is a good opportunity to open the dialogue about your individual views and perspectives on different issues. It is an opportunity to continue to learn about one another thereby keeping your relationship fresh and interesting. 9. Dhikr together. Instead of silently doing dhikr by yourself, sit side by side after prayer to remember Allah. Get closer to Allah and each other at the same time. 10.Go on nature walks, hikes or star gaze together. Turn off the cell phones, computer, and Xbox and engage with nature and your spouse. A couple needs opportunities to share each others undivided attention. This quality time gives a couple the chance to communicate without distractions and reflect upon the wonders of Allah.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 05:12:26 +0000

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