Allah is construction of the the word al-Ilah. Thats what the - TopicsExpress


Allah is construction of the the word al-Ilah. Thats what the word is, he explained. Al-Ilah means The God. Allah is not the name of God. Frankly, anyone who thinks that Allah is the name of God, is not just incorrect, but is going against the Quran itself. It is almost a blasphemous thought to think that Allah has a name. And this is not an interpretation. It is a historical fact, said Reza Aslan, a well-known American Muslim theologian on BFM Radios Evening Edition program yesterday. Now Ibrahim Ali, are you going to say that this man is not Islam enough to know what he is saying? Aslan insisted that Christians using the word Allah - which means God in Arabic - were not a threat to Islam. A Taliban put a bomb in the Quran and took it to a mosque in Pakistan, where Muslims were slaughtered on one of the holiest days in the Muslim calendar. You want to talk about threats to Islam? Thats a threat to Islam, he said, in dismissing the argument that allowing Christians to use the word in their worship was a threat to Malaysian Muslims. He was referring to an incident during the Aidiladha holidays, in which Afghan governor Arsala Jamal was killed while scores were injured after a bomb placed in a copy of the Quran went off in a mosque during the Eid sermon. This idea that not only should Christians not be able to use this word, but that using the word is somehow a threat to Islam... that Malaysian (Muslims) are so stupid if they hear a Christian use the word Allah, they will accidentally become Christians. I mean, the idiocy of that statement speaks for itself, he said.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 00:07:08 +0000

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