Allah ya isa ... Talk about mass hypnosis, talk about a - TopicsExpress


Allah ya isa ... Talk about mass hypnosis, talk about a dictatorial regime dividing opinions, sowing seeds of discord among brothers who have grown so wide apart that they are beginning to question their brotherhood of humanity, accusing each other of slaying the children of one another, trying to share the inheritance before the parents pass away, all the while, the devil stood there looting the brothers of their times, futures, beliefs and humanity. Its quite obvious that the only people gaining from the demise of a stitch of previously great protectorates are the ever obnoxious one percent suppose to be the custodians of the thread and needle to mend it when a stitch got loose, rather, they stand on the fault lines with chain saws, working to see its obliteration. This video shows the Barbaric nature of the Nigerian military against Civilians in their fight against Boko haram, it is estimated that the military has killed more innocent people than boko haram has, not that Boko Harams Crimes are minor or less severe, it goes a long way to show us how helpless we all are in this jungle justice country a country where there probably are more private jets than sane leaders. Some people out here think the president has no say in all this, well it is his clueless decisions that lead to all this, his military appointments which were all frowned upon but nothing was done as we trusted him as the commander in chief of the armed forces, to abide by his oath of office. As the international lawyer said in the video, This all is a big massive war crime, which he being a 30 year experienced lawyer specializing in human rights, had not seen its equal on par with it in terms of barbarity... To put that into perspective, Forget the war crimes committed the world in the last 30 years, the one committed by the Nigerian government on its people surpasses them all. To take this a step further, Forget Ghaddafi, Sadam Hussein, George Bush, Bashar Al Asad, Netanyahu, The leaderships of All the wannabe Jihadists and terrorist/aggressive western countries etc whom were all alleged in some Quarters to have committed crimes against humanity, the one happening in the most populous black country under the watch of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan surpasses them all.(This is not a belated allegation, facts point to this) Enough is enough! A change in government alone is not enough; enquiries, investigations, and appropriate prosecutions need to be made, in case a new government emerges in 2015, it also has a Herculean task , because the monster in our halfbaked/Not properly trained/Indoctrinated to behave like senseless robots military has been unleashed, it needs not taming but domestication; in this video I saw the guardians of the Sovereignty of Nigeria behaving like savages non different from the wannabe violators. AND WE WERE ALL TWEETING FREEGAZA. Believe me, the gruesome content presented in this video perpetuated by the military and the CJTF, JTF gar more belittles Boko harams atrocities.. May God bring lasting peace to our region and the world at large. May God overlook or short comings and give to us great, honest and God conscious leaders... Nigeria is not an ongoing project, it is not a finished project, it is a project to be started today. #FederalRepublucOfNigerians not #FederalRepublicOfTheFederalGovernment .
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:23:34 +0000

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