Allahs Beautiful Gift Azman was walking with his father on the - TopicsExpress


Allahs Beautiful Gift Azman was walking with his father on the pavement near the supermarket. Suddenly he saw a man who was struggling to walk with a stick. The man was tall and dressed in simple but clean clothes. He was wearing dark sunglasses even though it was nighttime. Azman asked his father, Ya Abee! [O my father !] Why is the man wearing dark glasses in the night? Why is he using a stick and moving it around? His father followed his gaze and saw that it was a blind man. His father said, Ya ibnee! [O my son!] Allah s.w.t. has not given him the gift of sight [absaar]. This man is blind. He cannot see. [Huwa La yastatee an yanzur.] Azman was shocked and touched his eyes [ai nain] and said, Alhamdulillah. Ya Allah! Shukran for the eyes [ai nain] that you have given me. May I only see what is good and halal with these eyes. [ai nain] Ya Allah, make this mans life easy for him and guide him to the straight path. Ameen. His father read the verse 78 from Surah Al Muminuun 23. {Use the Quran to read this verse.] Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Kind Wa HuwallaZee An sha a Lakumus Sam a Wal abSaara [sight] Wal af idah. Qaleelam [Little] Ma tashkuruun. It is He who has created for you [the sense of ] hearing [ears], sight [absaara] [eyes] and hearts [understanding]. Little thanks you give. Translation from Dr Muhsin Khan There were tears in Azmans eyes [ai nain] as he continued looking at the blind man. How thankful he felt that Allah has given him eyes [ai nain] with which to see. [yanzur] When he reached home, Azman put on a blindfold on his eyes [ai nain] and tried to walk around. He started bumping into the furniture and the walls. He was slow and clumsy. Once he even fell down as he tripped over the stool. He could not see his mums beautiful face or the beautiful flowers in the garden. All he saw was blackness. He heard so many noises and almost became frightened. He could not see where the noise was coming from. He was relieved to take off his blindfold. Suddenly, there was a burst of colour all around him. For the first time he really appreciated this beautiful gift of sight [absaar] from Allah. Azman touched his eyes [ai nain] again and said, Ya Allah! Shukran Katheeran, [many thanks] for this sight [absaar] you have given me.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:49:58 +0000

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