Allahu Akbar wat a holy book indeed..SCIENCE IN THE GLORIOUS - TopicsExpress


Allahu Akbar wat a holy book indeed..SCIENCE IN THE GLORIOUS QURAN...The time we are living in nowadays has advanced so much that the numerous scientific facts mentioned in a book that was revealed 1400 years ago have been proven as 100% correct by modern science. This is a remarkable fact to be noted because no other religion scripture has survived for almost one and a half millenniums without undergoing some abrogation, concoction or modification at all. Not only that but although some other scriptures have also mentioned scientific facts which have been proven by modern science such as the Buddhist scripture, the remarkable fact here is that in addition to these realistic information it also consists of manipulated and incorrect verses as well,which the Quran is completely free from by all means. The main purpose of the Quran is to guide human beings morally, spiritually, socially, personally and religiously in all aspects of their life. This is because Islam is not a religion in the ultimate sense of the word, but it is a way of life sent by God for all mankind, so the Quran provides the guidance to everyone. Some of the main areas which are mentioned in the Quran related to science include biology, embryology, astronomy, geology, genetics, archaeology etc. Relating to the big band theory or the theory related to the origin of the planets in our solar system, which was discovered around the year 1973, and it mentioned that approximately 15 billion years ago a certain primordial mass exploded in the solar system and the entire universe was formed after which. This theory has also been mentioned in the Quran in Chapter 21 verse 30, “Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were one entity, as We separated them and made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” This verse clearly stating that this entire system was initially one large structure that was later separated into the various planets and other solar objects which we have today. The Quran also says that the universe is also not a static object, but it continues to expand as time goes on in Chapter 51 and verse 47 which read, “And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed, we are [its] expander”. Regarding the revolution of the planets around the sun, science has discovered that the sun and other planets do not revolve around themselves, but it was only recently that they found out that this was false. The Quran however has even mentioned about this in perfect detail in Chapter 21 verse 33 as, “And it is He who created the night and the day the sun and the moon, all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming” Nowadays a common problem that people face from the solar system or more accurately from the sun is the harmful radiation entering our atmosphere. The reason for which this get absorbed through the ozone layer is since there are several “holes” present in the ozone layer caused by human handiwork; factories, vehicles, chopping of trees etc.This ozone layer is even mentioned specifically in the Quran also in the chapter 21, verse 32, “And we made the sky a protected ceiling, but they, from its signs, are turning away”. Alhamdulilahi wat a glorious book whch contain corect science not like dat od BUYBULL TELIN US HEAVEN AND EARTH got pillars...lwkm...quran2:23'and if you are in doubt as to what we have revealed from time to time to our servant,den produce a sura like thereunto and call ur witnesses or helpers(if there are any)besides Allah.If ye are trutful...#gbolahan and remainin sheeps of Nigeria this is a challenge to u from uncreated creative creator who creatively created creature in a Creative manner...
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 13:03:43 +0000

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