Allegation that the Quran has been changed The verses of the - TopicsExpress


Allegation that the Quran has been changed The verses of the Quran werent written by Muhammad (may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), but they were written down during his lifetime and verified by him in its pieces. He couldnt read or write, but when those who witnessed him reciting a new revelation, some would write it and verify it with him, others would come to him and he would repeat the new verses and some of them would write them down, and verify them with him. Several companions memorized the entire Quran beforethe Prophet Muhammads death. (The verses were revealed little by little over 23 years). Each year during the month of Ramadhan, the Angel Jibril (Gabriel) would sit with Muhammad and recite what had been revealed thus far. This happened in a particular order twice in the month of Ramadhan in the last year of the Prophet Muhammads life. Within one year after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, due to the Battle of Yamamah that saw the loss of about 70 companions, Abu Bakr, (the closest and trusted friend of Muhammad, the first Khalifah), fearing the loss of the memory of the recitation in future battles, had the pieces collected by Zaid bin Thabit who was hafiz, (had memorized the entire Quran during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad), and placed in the order the Prophet Muhammad recited the entire Quran in twice during that last Ramadhan, (Zaid was himself one of the witnesses to these two final recitaions). Zaid bin Thabit was the primary scribe among many who would write the new revelations at the request of the Prophet Muhammad, as he was a neighbor whom he would call upon easily. When the Prophet would tell him to write the new verses, he would also tell him where (in which Surah or chapter) to insert them. Zaid bin Thabit was the most knowledgable among the companions with regards to the recitation of the Quran. He was appointed by each of the 3 succeeding Khalifs as a Judge,(he was a Uloom or scholar in Qiraat, Shariah and Inheritance). After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Khalif Abu Bakr asked Zaid to collect all of the writings and bind them into one collection. He told Zaid to only accept a verse if it had two trustworthy companions (known for their piety, honesty and reliable memory) who had memorized and verified with the Prophet their recitation of that verse (two besides himself ). After this monumentous task, the collection was left in the care of one of the Prophets surviving wives, Hafsa, the daughter of the second Khalif Umar, (another close, trusted friend of the Prophet Muhamad). It is reported that Zaid bin Thabit said of this task, It would have been easier for me to move a mountain than to do that which they told me to do, because he appreciated the responsibility in such a trust. Any mistake or omission could cause confusion in the generations to come until the end of time. Only a few years later, the successor to Umar, the third Khalif Uthmaan, (also a very close and trusted companion to the Prophet), again requested Zaid bin Thabit to take the collection of verses which were written on many mediums such as leather, papyrus, cloth, shoulder bones of animals, etc, and write them in the order the Prophet recited them twice in his last year of life under the instruction of the Angel Jibril, (as I mentioned, Zaid had personally witnessed these two recitations). This written book is called the Uthmaani manuscript or mus-haf. Several copies were commissioned by Uthmaan and sent to several major cities. One of these original copies is still held in the Topkapi Museum in Turkey. In fact it is referred to in Article 246 of the Treaty of Versailles that Germany had to return it to the King of Hedjaz (as it had been taken from Medinah by the Turkish authorities and presented to Emperor William II). Another original (or a copy of an original) was taken by the Ummayads from Medinah to Morrocco, and it travelled to Samarkand in 1485, remaining there until 1869 when the Russians took it to St. Petersburg. They returned it to Samarkand in 1924. It is known as the Tashkent copy (a town close to St. Petersburg). The Russians have given facimilies from the pages of this Quran to visiting dignitaries through the years. A third Quran is held in the Al-Hussain Mosque in Egypt. It is believed that this is the Quran that all other Qurans are copied from. Some say this is the first mus-haf that Zaid bin Thabit wrote and he copied the other mushafs that were sent to other cities and this one remained in the possession of Uthmaan, and that this is the Quran over which Uthmaan was marytered over, as it has blood spattered on the leather pages. Ancient copies of the Quran still unchanged till this day Al-Hussein Mus-haf: Tashkent Mus-haf: Topkapi Mus-haf: THE WRITTEN QURAN IN THE TIMES OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) A large number of missionaries and the self-styled critics have been quoting Islamic traditions, or reports (Hadith), which support their claim, that the Quran was not written at the time of its Revelation. Are all these claims true? They are not, if we re-examine them. EVIDENCE FROM THE QURAN The Quran itself contains many passages which refer to its written form. There appear to be four chapters (Suras) of the Quran which refer to the Qurans written form explicitly. Ill quote them: By no means! Indeed it is a message of Instruction Therefore, whoever wills, should remember On leaves held in honour Exalted, purified In the hands of scribes Noble and pious Sura 80: 11-16 Here we have a reference to those scribes who wrote the Quran, on leaves. Minister Abdullah Yusuf Ali, in his commentary wrote that at the time of the Revelation of this Surah, forty-two or forty-five others (Surahs) had been written and were kept by Muslims in Makkah (out of the total 114 Surahs). Nay, this is the glorious Quran, on a Tablet preserved Sura 85: 21-22 The above verse is the ultimate proof on the written preservation of the Quran even before the migration of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This is a glorious Reading, In a book well-kept, Which none but the purified teach This is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds Sura 56: 77-80 The above verse refers to a book well-kept, which can be no other than the Quran. They said: Tales of the ancients which he had caused to be written and they are dictated to him morning and evening 25: 5 A reference to the enemies of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) when they accused him of plagiarising and retelling stories from the past. Still, we see words referring to the Quran in its written form. EVIDENCE FROM HADITH Besides the above verses which refer to the Qurans written form, there are also a number of Hadith which agree with the above verses: Zayd (ra) is reported to have said: We used to compile the Qur’an from small scraps in the presence of the Messenger. (Hakim, Mustadrak) The above Hadith also tells us that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was not unaware of the condition of the Quran with his companions and that he used to guide them while compiling it. Also, it tells us that the Quran also used to be compiled for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), meaning that he had a personal copy. Malik said that no one should carry the Mushaf by its strap, nor on a pillow, unless he is clean… (Mu’atta, Kitab Al-Nida’ Li’l-Salah) It is clear that the Quran was available in a book form at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Narrated Qatadah: I asked Anas Ibn Malik: ‘Who collected the Qur’an at the time of Prophet?’ He replied: ‘Four, all of whom were from the Ansar: Ubay Ibn Ka‘ab, Mu‘adh Ibn Jabal, Zayd Ibn Thabit and Abu Zayd.’ (Bukhari, Kitab Fada’ilu’l-Qur’an) It is very clear that the complete Quran was available in the form of a book even at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This proof is inescapable, and any Hadith which contradicts the facts presented here is a fabrication. CONCLUSION The claim that the Quran was not written at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is incorrect. Some admit that it was written, but not all. This too is incorrect. The truth stands out clear, the whole Quran was written at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). AFTER THE DEATH OF OUR BELOVED PROPHET PEACE BE UPON HIM: When Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him died, Islam was still small geographically. The Muslims mostly existed in the two cities of Mecca and Madina. Comparing those two cities size to the Middle East regions size, they would not even be 0.0001% in comparison. After the death of our beloved Prophet, Islam started to expand in the Middle East region. Not only the People of the entire region didnt have the same dialect, but also they had different languages. The languages that were spoken in the region at that time were Arabic (with its 7 dialects), Persian, Assyrian, Hebrew and some Greek. All of these languages are quite different from each others. You would need a translator to translate almost 100% of the conversation if you were to pick two languages and have two people converse with them, each person with one language. As the Muslims expanded through the entire region, which is thousands of squared miles in area, the Noble Quran was documented at different places with sometimes different languages and Arabic dialects as well. Islam mostly spread throughout the region during the first two Caliphs (our Prophets disciples); may Allah Almighty be pleased with them, Abu-Baker Al-Siddeeq, and Omar bin Al-Khattab. They were mostly concerned with spreading Islam to the people of the entire region and never had the time, nor the rulership (since Islam wasnt quite spread throughout the entire region until toward the end of the second disciples time) to unify the Noble Quran or the teaching of the Noble Quran with one dialect in recitation and spelling. When Uthman bin Aaffan (the third disciple) came, Islam was pretty stable in the region, and he had rulership to implement the Quraishi dialect among all the Arabic speaking people in the entire region, and to teach them the Noble Quran through that dialect only. Important Note: If the Noble Quran is recited in a different dialect than the Quraishi one, and if one tries to write down what he is reciting, he could and would end up with different words in spelling and in some cases in meaning as well than the original copy of the Noble Quran. When Uthman got hold of all of the Qurans that were written in different dialects, and in some cases were altered to sound exactly like the other dialects, he ordered for them to get burnt because they did not use the proper Arabic that was revealed unto our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and in some cases their words were different because of this dialect difference. He then compiled all of the Noble Surahs (Chapters) of the Noble Quran that were already written during the time of Prophet Muhammad in the city of Madina and formed what we call today the one true copy of the Noble Quran. Important Note: As I mentioned above, when Uthman, the third Caliph in Islam, compiled the Noble Quran, he did not determine the numerical order of the Noble Chapters and the Noble Verses. The entire Noble Quran as I said was already documented and memorized. Chapters from the Noble Quran were recited by our Prophet peace be upon him at least 5 times a day during the Muslims five-daily prayers. Also, the Noble Quran was all recited during the month of Ramadan, as it is still done today. There are other daily and weekly religious occasions, festivals and holidays where the Noble Quran back then and still today was recited either partially or wholly. The Muslims who perfected the memorization of the Noble Quran back then continuously refreshed their memories through teaching others: Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam. So, it is beyond the shadow of the doubt that the numbering and the order of the Noble Chapters and Verses was already determined by our Prophet peace be upon him through the inspiration and guidance of Allah Almighty, and not by anyone else. Ever since then and till today, the Arabic Noble Quran is taught with one Arabic dialect, and that is the Quraishi dialect. Also, the proper Arabic language as I mentioned above that is taught in schools and books today is also in the Quraishi dialect. Now let’s break it down further and look at it in more detail… THE COLLECTION DONE UNDER THE KHALIFAH (CALIPH) ABU BAKR (RA) Abu Bakr (ra) was a very close friend of the Prophet (pbuh). He was also his successor, not in Prophethood, but he became the Commander of the Muslims (Amirul Mukminin) after the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). During his Caliphate, a battle took place, known as the Battle of Yamamah. In this battle, many people had memorized the Quran, were martyred. Abu Bakr (ra) feared that the Quran might not be lost. So he ordered Zayd Ibn Thabit (ra), the personal scribe of the Prophet (pbuh), to compile it. Zayd (ra) finished the job successfully. It must be noted that even if many companions who had memorized the Quran were martyred, the complete Quran in writing already existed. HADITH WHICH MENTIONS IT The following is the Hadith which mentions the collection of the Quran: under Abu Bakrs Caliphate: Narrated Zaid bin Thabit Al-Ansari, one of the scribes of the Revelation: Abu Bakr sent for me after the casualties among the warriors (of the battle) of Yamama (where a great number of Qurra were killed). Umar was present with Abu Bakr who said: Umar has come to me and said, the People have suffered heavy casualties on the day of (the battle of) Yamama, and I am afraid that there will be some casualties among the Qurra (those who know the Quran by heart) at other places, whereby a large part of the Quran may be lost, unless you collect it. And I am of the opinion that you should collect the Quran. Abu Bakr added, I said to Umar, How can I do something which Allahs Apostle has not done? Umar said (to me) By Allah, it is (really) a good thing. So Umar kept on pressing trying to persuade me to accept his proposal, till Allah opened my bosom for it and I had the same opinion as Umar. (Zaid bin Thabit added:) Umar was sitting with him (Abu Bakr) and was not speaking. Abu Bakr said (to me), You are a wise young man and we do not suspect you (of telling lies or of forgetfulness); and you used to write the Divine Inspiration for Allahs Apostle. Therefore, look for the Quran and collect it (in one manuscript). By Allah, if he (Abu Bakr) had ordered me to shift one of the mountains (from its place) it would not have been harder for me than what he had ordered me concerning the collection of the Quran. I said to both of them, How dare you do a thing which the Prophet has not done? Abu Bakr said, By Allah, it is (really) a good thing. So I kept on arguing with him about it till Allah opened my bosom for that which He had opened the bosoms of Abu Bakr and Umar. So I started locating the Quranic material and collecting it from parchments, scapula, leafstalks of date palms and from the memories of men (who knew it by heart). I found with Khuzaima two verses of Surah Tauba which I had not found with anybody else (and they were): Verily there has come to you an Apostle (Muhammad) from among yourselves. It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He (Muhammad) is ardently anxious over you (to be rightly guided) (9:128). Bukhari, VI, No. 201 The words of Zaid may raise some confusion: How can I do something which Allahs Apostle has not done? This doent mean that the Quran was not written in the Prophets time, but it means that that the Quranic was scattered and not collected into one volume. The Prophet (pbuh) didnt leave the complete Quran in a single volume for all the Ummah, because most of his companions had memorized it and some had their own copies. So Abu Bakr (ra) feared that the Quran could have been lost, and thats why he ordered for a copy to be prepared. Even though when the whole Quran was available in writing, the Caliph took great care that it still would not be lost and thats why he ordered Zaid to collect it. This also means that the Caliph greatly cared for the Quran THE COLLECTION DONE UNDER THE KHALIFAH (CALIPH) UTHMAN (RA) After Abu Bakr (ra), the Caliph Umar ruled, and after the Caliph Umar, Uthman Ibn Affan was elected as Caliph. During the period of the Caliph Uthman, Islam spread to many areas. The Muslims who were not Arabs, couldnt read the Quran as it should have been read. They changed the meanings of the verses, and many variant readings sprung out, because the people were ignorant of Arabic. Old Arabic was written as lines, and now one can distinguish such and such alphabets easily by marks. But this was not the case in older times. Thats why, the Caliph Uthman immediately told a committee of scribes to write the Quran in the dialect of the Quraysh, because that was how the Quran was revealed. When the scribes had prepared many copies from the one which Abu Bakr (ra) had compiled, each copy was sent to each city under Muslim rule. Other copies which were not from Uthman were burned. Then, from the standard copies, more copies were made and this time there were also teachers of the people to teach them how to recite the Quran. ACCEPTANCE OF VARIANT READINGS Variant Readings can be accepted if they meet the following criteria for acceptance: 1. A reading with correct Arabic grammar 2. Traced back to the Prophet (pbuh) 3. Agreement with the Uthmanic text Further more, the variant readings should also meet the following criteria for preference: 1. A reading with correct Arabic grammar 2. Agreement with the Uthmanic text 3. Reported/preferred by the majority Further more, the variant readings can be divided as follows (taken from von Denffers Ulum al Quran): 1. The mutawatir (transmitted by many; they include the seven well-known readings) 2. The ahad (transmitted by one, they number three, going back to the sahaba and together with the seven make up ten). 3. The shadh (exceptional; they go back to the tabiun only) From the above, the current text of the Quran (Uthmanic), is mutawatir. Variants readings may be accepted if they meet what is required. But, the greatest care must be taken. Von Denffer aptly concludes in his book about the Uthmanic mushaf that: The wide distribution of this text and its undisputed authority can also be deduced from the reports on the battle of Siffin (A.H. 37) 27 years after the death of the Prophet , and five years after Uthmans copies were distributed, Mu`awiyas troops fixed sheets from the Quran on their spears to interrupt the battle. However nobody accused anyone else of using a partisan version of the text, which would have made a splendid accusation against the enemy. (pg 56) HADITH WHICH MENTIONS IT The following is the report which mentions the above described event: Narrated Anas bin Malik: Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman came to Uthman at the time when the people of Sham and the people of Iraq were waging war to conquer Arminya and Adharbijan. Hudhaifa was afraid of their (the people of Sham and Iraq) differences in the recitation of the Quran, so he said to Uthmfin, O chief of the Believers! Save this nation before they differ about the Book (Quran), as Jews and the Christians did before. So Uthman sent a message to Hafsa saying, Send us the manuscripts of the Quran so that we may compile the Quranic materials in perfect copies and return the manuscripts to you. Hafsa sent it to Uthman. Uthman then ordered Zaid bin Thabit, Abdullah bin Az-Zubair, Said bin Al-As and Abdur Rahman bin Hari-bin Hisham to rewrite the manuscripts in perfect copies. Uthman said to the three Quraishi men, In case you disagree with Zaid bin Thabit on any point in the Quran, then write it in the dialect of Quraish as the Quran was revealed in their tongue. They did so, and when they had written many copies, Uthman returned the original manuscripts to Hafsa. Uthman sent to every Muslim province one copy of what they had copied, and ordered that all the other Quranic materials whether written in fragmentary manuscripts or whole copies, be burnt. Zaid bin Thabit added, A verse from Sura al-Ahzab was missed by me when we copied the Quran and I used to hear Allahs Apostle reciting it. So we searched for it and found it with Khuzaima bin Thabit Al-Ansari. (That verse was): Among the Believers are men who have been true in their convenant xwith Allah (33: 23). Bukhari, VI, No. 510 REASONS FOR THE BURNING The anti islamists have been openly making the allegation that Uthman (ra) ordered all copies of the Quran to be burnt because of the varying content. This is not true. We quote Dr. Ahmad Shafaat on this issue: Now suppose that there were at any time any variations in the Quran other than those caused by scribal errors or failure of memory or due to some minor differences in script. That is, suppose that some individuals or groups deliberately held onto a text of the Quran that they knew was different from the one followed by others and that was closer to the original text than the one we possess. How could it then happen that from century to century and from country to country we find the same text of the Quran? It is said that Uthman, the third leader succeeding the Prophet, ordered people to burn all the texts of the Quran which were different from a certain text. But is it conceivable that people will submit to this order even if they thought Uthmans text was not the authentic text? Westerners may have the tendency to think that Muslim rulers must have always been tyrant dictators who could force the people to do anything. This is certainly not true of the early leaders of Muslims. But even if we assume that people lived in terror of their leaders, it was logistically impossible for Uthman to control every home. People could easily hide their various copies of the Quran and secretly pass them on to their descendants and through them on to us. It is self-evident and is also required by the teachings of the Quran that every Muslim should do his utmost to prevent the alteration or suppression of the word of God. For in passages where there are no variations alleged the Quran had condemned earlier nations for altering or fabricating the divine scripture. Thus in one such passage we read: And woe unto those who write the scripture with their own hands and then say, This is from God, that they may in this way obtain a small gain. Woe unto them for what their hands have written and woe unto them for what they gain thereby! (2:79). In the following passage condemns even hiding any part of the revelation, much less altering it: [God says:] Those who hide what We have revealed of the clear matters and of the guidance, after We have made it clear for the people, are accursed of God and accursed of those who (are entitled to) curse - except such of them as repent and amend and make manifest the truth. These it is to whom I turn in forgiveness. And I am the forgiving, the merciful (2:159-160). Many early Muslims are expected to live up to the obligation implied in these verses even if it meant loosing their lives. For, there has never been a shortage of Muslims who have been willing to give their lives for the sake of Islam. Hence any attempt by Uthman or anyone else would have been met with the stiffest resistance on the part of many Muslims. But we hear of no such resistance. And what about the text that Uthman promulgated? How did he arrive at that text? On the basis of what text did the first two leaders, Abu Bakr and Umar governed the Muslim lands before him ? What text people had been using in their daily prayers in Medina, the city of the Prophet, which consisted almost entirely of Muslims, most having seen and heard the Prophet? What text was used throughout the land during sermons before the Friday congregational prayers? How could Uthman change the text that had been used for twelve years before him in the presence of hundreds of companions of the Prophet who could easily detect any change to the original text and were obligated by religious principles to prevent alterations in the word of God? And why at all would he want to change it, considering that the extant text says nothing in his favor? It is also important to keep in mind that the vast Muslim world was not homogeneous. There was as much diversity of opinion as one expects from any group of people. There were even conflicts, some of them armed. Uthman himself had opposition from some groups, one of which actually martyred him. Had the text he promulgated been less than 100% reliable his opponents would have made it an issue and accused him of changing the word of God. But the fact is that these opponents accused him of many things but we do not have any tradition, certainly not an early reliable one, in which they accuse him of changing the word of God. It is indeed possible that Uthman did promulgate one particular text and ordered others to be burnt. For differences in script and copying errors during a period of fast conversion might have resulted in many manuscripts with errors. If these manuscripts were then used to make further copies, the errors would have multiplied. The best solution was that certain authenticated copies be sent to various centers of the Muslim world and all others destroyed. The very fact that the text whose copies were sent by Uthman was accepted throughout the Muslim world, by both his friends and foes, and the fact that no other text has ever been put forward as an alternative to the existing text proves that the text sent by Uthman was the authentic one. In addition to the multiplying number of copying errors, there was probably another reason for promulgating a standard text. Earlier we noticed two peculiarities of the Arabic language: differences in script and absence of the vowel. These also could have resulted in confusion. Steps taken by Uthman effectively solved the problem caused by the first peculiarity: the differences in script. His solution to the second peculiarity -- the absence of vowels -- was to send a Qari along with the copy of the Quran to preserve the correct reading that the hundreds of companions had learnt from the Prophet. This was clearly not a satisfactory solution. Later, at the insistence of Zayd, the Governor of Basrah (45-53 H), dots were assigned as vowel points. Then during the reign of Abdul Malik (65-85 H.) Hajjaj bin Yusuf appointed scholars to assign new symbols for vowels while dots were used to distinguish different letters that were in some words looked the same. (Dr. Ahmad Shafaat, 2000, Journal of the Muslim Research Institute, Canada) Additional reasons: 1) Non arabs would not understand or be able to read/recite properly without the vowels, arabs could just as me being english - i cant understand words in a sentence i.e. he lay down on the bd - due to my knowledge i insert e to make bed. There were copies circulating without the vowels once Islam spread to non arab speaking areas, thus the caliph decided to make one standard copy with vowels and it was only natural to remove all others to avoid confusion or deviation in recitation or understanding 2) Many people would listen to what was being recited by the prophet and would make their own shorthand notes, thus compiling their own personal Quran. However the job of compilation would be down to the offical recorders, and thus any shorthand copies would also have to be removed to avoid confusion in case of error. Its simple, 100 people listen to a lecture and all make notes. No one will have the exact same notes as anyone else, it depends on the persons understanding and writing speed. The official recorders had copies which were checked and maintained in agreement with the prophet - this was the official master copy. This is what was standerdised by the caliph. All other shorthand notes, copies had to be destroyed. THE REACTION OF THE SAHABA OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) Some of the missionaries, without proof, proclaim that many people didnt like the act of burning. This is wrong as proven by the following: Zaid is reported to have said, I saw the companions of Muhammad (going about) saying, By Allah, Uthman has done well! By Allah, Uthman has done well! [Nisaburi] Ibn Abi Dawud records Musab ibn Sad ibn Abi Waqqas to have testified: I saw the people assemble in large number at Uthmans burning of the proscribed copies; not a one spoke out against him. Ali commented, If I were in command in place of Uthman, I would have done the same. [Zarkashi] Almost every companion of the Prophet (pbuh) clealy approved the action of Uthman (ra). THE REACTION OF ABDULLAH IBN MAS`UD AND REASONS FOR IT Abdullah Ibn Mas`ud was a very close companion of the Prophet (pbuh). When Uthman (ra) ordered all personal and other codices to be destroyed other than the standard, Ibn Masud (ra) refused to hand over his copy. Often it is asked; why did Abdullah Ibn Mas`ud react this way? When we study his background, a very clear, vivid answer is found. We have reproduced the text from Akbarally Meherallys article explaining the reason for Abdullah Ibn Mas`uds reaction. His article can be found at mostmerciful/reply-ans-islam.htm. We quote the text as follows: A brief bio-data of this early companion of the Prophet (s.a.s.) would help us to understand the entire situation. His name was Abdullah. He was son of Masud. During his childhood he was also called ibn Umm Abd (the son of the mother of a slave). At an early age he joined the Prophet in his mission and stayed very close to him. He received the training in the household of the Prophet and had learnt the Qirat of the Quran (the accepted method of the recitation of the Quran) from the Prophet himself. He was a leading reputable Qari (reciter of the Quran) and used to recite loudly and clearly. Ibn Masud was recommended by the Prophet to those who wished to learn the Qirat. He was very knowledgeable on the Shariah and followed the Sunnah of the Prophet closely. When he was sent to Kufa in Iraq, the people of Kufa highly respected him. They not only used to learn from ibn Masud the verses of the Quran but also used to consult him on the subject. In Jam Al-Quran chapter 3, cited by the Critic which can be found on their web page;, under the sub-heading: IBN MASUDS REACTION TO UTHMANS DECREE, the opening paragraph reads: When Uthman sent out the order that all codices of the Quran other than the codex of Zaid ibn Thabit should be destroyed, Abdullah ibn Masud refused to hand over his copy. Desai openly speaks of Hadhrat Ibn Masuds initial refusal to hand over the compilation (The Quraan Unimpeachable, p.44) Please note the quoted text from page 44 speaks of Hadhrat Ibn Masuds initial refusal. The critic has in his opening sentence very conveniently ignored this important fact about this initial reaction by Abdullah Ibn Masud. Here is the reason for this initial or early reaction. Abdullah Ibn Masud had with him a personal copy of the Quran (Musaf) which was his precious personal possession. We also learn from the said chapter-3 that Ibn Masud had made some notes on his copy. It is quite understandable that any religious teacher or missionary would develop a kind of sentiment for his personal copy of the Divine Scripture which he has been using over a period of time and more so, if there were his personal notes on that copy. Such early reactions are but normal under the most normal circumstances. The Critic questions the issue of personal notes on the ground that no documentary evidence has been provided. The critic had better ask himself a question; Does my own personal copy of the Holy Bible, which I have been using over a period of time, has any personal notes or underlined text? It is inconceivable that any Bible scholar/teacher would have a copy of his personal Bible without his/her personal notes. CONCLUSION The truth is clear from what the missionaries would like to allege. Caliph Uthman (ra) didnt destroy the Quran, instead, he took the best action ever possible A FEW EXAMPLES OF VARIANCES We have quoted a few variant readings. The Quran copy of Abdullah Ibn Mas`ud, as seen by me, was the the most different (in variant readings) from almost all other copies. Ill quote some examples. An example of different pronunciation in Surah Al Baqarah: 2: 70 Ibn Masud reads al-baqira in place of al-baqara An example of different spellings in Surah Al Baqarah: 2: 19 He reads kulla ma in place of kullama An example of use of different synonyms in Surah Al Baqarah: 2: 98 He reads sal in place of udu Many other companions of the Prophet had variant readings in their Quran copies. But, they did not concern variances in the size of the content of the Quran, they were only differences in spellings, synonyms, pronunciations, etc. TWO ADDITIONAL SURAHS IN UBBAYS AND ABU MUSAS CODEX? Often, it is said that Abu Musas and Ubbay bin Kaabs (two companions of the Prophet) had 116 Surahs, instead of 114 Surahs. But is this true? The first so-called additional sura` was named al-khal and the other was named al-hadf. Their translation is as follows: 1. O Allah, we seek your help and ask your forgiveness, and we praise you and we dont disbelieve in you. We separate from and leave who sins against you. 2. O Allah we worship you and to you we pray and prostrate and to you we run and hasten to serve you. We hope for your mercy and fear your punishment. Your punishment will surely reach the disbelievers. On further study, we get to know that this was not a part of the Quran, rather these were two pieces of qunut, supplications that the Prophet (pbuh) sometimes says in the morning prayer or witr prayer after recitation of Surahs from the Quran. (Ahmad von Denffer, Ulum al Quran) Sometimes, it is said that there was also an additional verse in the copy of Abu Musa and Ubbay bin Kaab. It is said that it was as follows (translation): If the son of Adam was given a valley full of riches, he would wish for a second one, and if he was given two valley of riches, he would would surely ask for a third one. Nothing will fill the belly of the son of Adam except dust, and Allah is forgiving to him who is repentant. Again, on further investigation, we come to realize that this is a saying of the Prophet Muhammad, and not a part of the Quran (Ahmad von Denffer, Ulum al Quran). There are no variances or missing parts in the Noble Quran. These are all false and baseless assumptions from some anti-Islamics. The situation in the Hadiths above was not a corruption as it might appear to you. It is a problem with dialects. For instance, take the letter j. Did you know that some Arabs dont pronounce the j? They always pronounce it as g or ga. Take the as another example. Some Arabs also dont pronounce the. They pronounce it as za. Another example, and this is an important one in my opinion, is that some Arabs used to have a dialect which originated from Yemen, where they would add an at the end of a noun. Take for instance the popular word of today Taliban, as in the Taliban in Afghanistan. Taliban is the same as the Arabic word Talib which means Student. The Afghans today used the old Arabic dialect from Yemen which dates even older than 1400 years ago when the Noble Quran was revealed. Back then in Yemen, as I said, they used to add the word an for nouns. So if they for instance wanted to refer to a stone sakhr (in Arabic), then they would refer to it as sakhran, even though it would be written in Arabic as sakhr. The point is that there were 7 different dialects. The Noble Quran was originally recited with the Quraishi dialect, which is the dialect that our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him spoke. The other dialects were later prohibited by our Prophets disciple Uthman to keep the recitation of the Noble Quran consistent. The words were the SAME. But the pronunciation and the reading of them was different for the reasons I explained above and several others, such as the punctuations in Arabic. When Uthman, the third Caliph in Islam, compiled the Noble Quran, he did not determine the numerical order of the Noble Chapters and the Noble Verses. The entire Noble Quran as I said was already documented and memorized. Chapters from the Noble Quran were recited by our Prophet peace be upon him at least 5 times a day during the Muslims five-daily prayers. Also, the Noble Quran was all recited during the month of Ramadan, as it is still done today. There are other daily and weekly religious occasions, festivals and holidays where the Noble Quran back then and still today was recited either partially or wholly. The Muslims who perfected the memorization of the Noble Quran back then continuously refreshed their memories through teaching others: Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam. So, it is beyond the shadow of the doubt that the numbering and the order of the Noble Chapters and Verses was already determined by our Prophet peace be upon him through the inspiration and guidance of Allah Almighty, and not by anyone else. CONCLUSION: The Noble Quran today is One True Perfect Divine Holy Book. It survived mans alterations and corruptions. The Noble Quran was all documented on the spot during Prophet Muhammads times. The Noble Qurans numerical ordering of the Noble Verses and Chapters were also determined Prophet Muhammad through the inspirations of Allah Almighty. The Noble Quran was memorized and recited over and over again through the Muslims five-daily prayers, the Holy Month of Ramadan, and other events and occasions where Muslims who perfected the memorization of the Noble Quran continuously refreshed their memories through teaching others. So, it is beyond the shadow of the doubt that the numbering and the order of the Noble Chapters and Verses was already determined by our Prophet peace be upon him through the inspiration and guidance of Allah Almighty, and not by anyone else. The authenticity of the Quran is a major proof that it is from Allah, the Lord of all Being. Allah has Himself said in the Quran that He will guard it from corruption (we seen here how Allahs Book survived 1400 years with out a single change, which proves that Allah has Guarded His Book). Therefore, we quote the following statement to all non-Muslims who attack the Holy Quran: Let there be no compulsion in religion, truth stands out clear from what is error. (al-Quran (2):256)
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 10:04:36 +0000

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