Allen West -- a true American Patriot and role model. a radio - TopicsExpress


Allen West -- a true American Patriot and role model. a radio interview the other day on the Lars Larson Show with Allen West, a retired Army lieutenant colonel and former U.S. Representative, and I was struck by how effectively he articulated conservatism. “My dad always taught me that your color is not an obstacle, your color is not a crutch that you try to use to get ahead,” said West, who is African-American. “You find out what the standard is, and you exceed that standard so no one can hold you back. . . . I never saw myself as black, ‘I’m from the inner city so the standards need to be adjusted for me.’ I just saw what the standard was and I did my best to blow it out of the water.” Larson then asked about the perception that some people in government advocate for adjusted standards as a form of reparations for past injustices. “What you just described,” West said, “is the difference between equality of opportunities and the equality of outcomes; the difference between a government that allows people to go out and try to pursue happiness and a government that guarantees happiness.” Game. Set. Match. Conservatives win the rhetoric war.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 19:13:43 +0000

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