Allow me on this beautiful Thursday to say to you, we all have - TopicsExpress


Allow me on this beautiful Thursday to say to you, we all have dreams however it remains a dream until you write it down, then it becomes a goal. You have to have SMART goals in life. Omunye urarekile ukuthi u D Man uthinike nje nakatjho nje. Yey ngithi you must not only have goals but have SMART goals. Let me explain what smart stands for: Specific You can never achieve what you also don’t know. Specific goals make you to take specific steps towards a specific direction. Be specific with what you want and be specific with how you want it. Measurable By measurable i mean, have goals that you can be able to assess your progress towards. You must be able to measure how far you have worked towards your goals. Be honest with your measurement. This element assists you to know if you are on the right track and are doing the right things towards your goals. Attainable you need to make goals that are achievable. This doesn’t mean you have to make low standard goals. You can still have your high standard goals however, they must be achievable. When you plan your steps wisely and establish a timeframe that allows you to carry out those steps. As you carry out the steps, you can achieve goals that may have seemed impossible when you started. You have appropriate knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to achieve. Realistic Set realistic goals, you need to be result orientated. Think of how great it will be to achieve that particular goal WHEN you finally achieve it. This will fuel you to push even harder. Be realistic mnganam Timely Goals should be linked to a timeframe that creates a practical sense of urgency. When you time your goals you indirectly pressure yourself to work towards them. You push yourself to do what you have to do as and when it has to be done. You follow all this steps. You will make your dreams come true. D Man uZimu Yi Kosi #Asidlali la
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 12:03:26 +0000

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