Allow me to respond 1.yes 3.yes completely 4. no becaue - TopicsExpress


Allow me to respond 1.yes 3.yes completely 4. no becaue the earth is not a closed system 5 sun has to go through more of the atmosphere causing low wave length light to be spread across the sky cool but explainible 6 see 4 7. um.....what about it? it is a philosphy nothing to do with science 8 from my own struggle, my life is all I have so I find great meaning in what I do but it doesnt have to have been planned by something else. 9 yes 10 cute but nothing to answer with 11 Im not sure what you mean by extra terrestrial sources if you mean organic matter being deposited by meteors because it has happened in modern times and is testable and observable 12. sigh.....1 fossils are rare and there is plenty of evidence from beyond fossil record supporting this.....EVEN IF THERE WAS ONLY 1.....WHICH THERE ISNT there are many MANY fossils and they always fall in the right order in the layers of earth oldest being less complex and newest being more ALWAYS 13 um....what....Kafka? 14. sigh......the earth going around the sun.....theory......gravity.....theory.....not hypothesis a theory FACT!!!!! 15 there is no evidence supporting want it taught as religion fine, but not as science 16 bit of world salad I would direct you to the Greatest SHow on Earth by Richard Dawkins, he explains it better then me 17 none, except to live my life to make me and others happy because all that will remain is the good Ive done 18 again because fossils are super super super super rare 19 yes because of the evidence supporting back ground radiation and the movement of stellar bodies 20 because some much of it is poorly planned, and completely explainable but you want your magic 21 not an exploding star, but that is a good I would like to study.....not just say........a god did it 22 didnt evolve from monkeys just had a common a book
Posted on: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 00:34:52 +0000

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