Almighty ALLAH wants us to strive with all our might to change, - TopicsExpress


Almighty ALLAH wants us to strive with all our might to change, but vows that HE will never change our condition without effort on our part. HE promises to guide and assist those who strive to change. ALLAH states in Surah al-Anfal, ALLAH will never change the favours HE bestowed on a people until they change what is in their own souls; and verily, ALLAH is All-Hearer, All-Knower. In another verse of the noble Quran, Surah ar-Rad, Almighty Allah asserts: Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they first change what is in their hearts ([13]:11). Almighty Allah created humankind pure and favoured them with wisdom and intelligence. He created angels to watch over them all the time recording any changes in their thinking and behaviour. Almighty Allah will never change the condition of a people who are not willing to change themselves within their hearts and from depth of their souls. Almighty Allah bestows honour and blessing on the human being who takes action to change. Transformation is initiated with a passionate intention to change, before we can take on the challenges of life. If one commences the journey to change, Almighty Allah and His angels support and sustain the believer with Blessings, Mercy and Grace. The past is our guide to the future. If we sincerely wan to enjoy more opportunities, we need to understand change. By understanding why change takes place, we will stop wasting energy, time and effort in protecting our beliefs and fighting the unavoidable. Our need to be right is our major obstacle against change. We must understand where change is taking us; once we realize the need for change, we are better able to use those changes to our advantage. In surah al-Baqarah, Almighty Allah promises protection and guidance to the faithful, He is the protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness, He will lead them into light When we welcome change, we can make a difference in our personal growth. Once we initiate the intention to change, Almighty Allah will help and nurture us in the process... TO BE CONTINUED...
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 08:40:07 +0000

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