Almost 60 percent of Syrias hospitals no longer work , and nearly - TopicsExpress


Almost 60 percent of Syrias hospitals no longer work , and nearly half the countrys doctors have fled . It concludes a new report from Save the Children , which describes the disastrous consequences especially for children in war torn country. Read also the 60 -year-old from Aarhus have entered Syria to help Here children amputated arms and legs in clinics because of lack of equipment needed for treatment. At the same time , there is rarely stunning enough for everyone. Therefore, choosing some patients volunteered to be knocked unconscious with metal bars , the report said . Shocking new information Other victims when not to grow up. Newborn babies dying in their incubators because of power outages . A random and bombed road in the city of Homs . (Photo : © Scanpix) That is the reality for those who ever reach a functioning hospital and find a doctor , many roads are blocked and are desperately short of equipment , ambulances and doctors. - Its shocking new information we can provide , says Jonas Keiding Lindholm , Vice Secretary General of Save the Children. 36 of 2,500 doctors back The humanitarian catastrophe has now evolved into a full-blown health disaster , he explains : - Health system collapse in Syria cost more kids life than at war does, says Jonas Keiding Lindholm . Read also Puk Damsgård : There is a corsairs on the border between Lebanon and Syria In the Syrian city of Aleppo , where there should be 2,500 doctors , there are now only 36 left - and the countrys vaccination programs have collapsed . This has led to diseases such as polio , which had been eradicated , now again available in up to 80,000 children. I appeal to world leaders The world community has failed, and the situation demands action now and here , says Save the Children. - World leaders should when they hear these numbers, wake up and get its act together and protect the youngest victims of the conflict. It is the children. Their suffering should no longer be tolerated , says Jonas Keiding Lindholm . According to Save the Children report, 4.5 million children in Syria need humanitarian assistance. In the coming week , it is three years since the war in Syria began. Since then, more than 130,000 people have been killed and almost unreal eight million people are forced to flee .
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 09:16:51 +0000

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