Aloha! Tuesday Night Talk - Tala Mai here on NIU NITES..... whats - TopicsExpress


Aloha! Tuesday Night Talk - Tala Mai here on NIU NITES..... whats your advice for this wife to be? Keep the secret or tell him? My 12 year old secret. Dear NIU, I am 29 year old Polynesian female and have finally found my place in life. Ive worked my way up to a good job where I met the man of my dreams and we are now engaged. He is 2 years younger than me and is excited about getting married and finally having a family. Dont get me wrong, I am too, but there is something I have not told him. I feel pregnant when I was 16 to my first ever boyfriend. As you can imagine, it didnt go down well with either of our parents (they knew each other through church) and decided for us both that the best thing would be for us would be to give up my daughter to my Aunt in Australia and that was that. I have only seen her in photos and her biological father has moved on and married and has his own family so he has accepted that she has been raised lovingly, and is happy with her situation. I am happy too, my Aunt is great, has 3 kids of her own and I know they all treat her well. My concern is whether I should tell my fiance. I feel like I need to, but my mother has said not to. The past is the past and that my daughter has a mother and family that love her so I dont need to bring this up. Something tells me I should, but maybe it might change things. He has no attachments and he is under the impression that when we start a family, it will be a first for both of us. Should I tell him? Guys, would you want to know this about your future wife? Would it put you off a girl if you found this out later? Do guys think a girl is used goods in this situation? I want to do the right thing. I want to be with him for the rest of my life. His family are nice and are not Polynesians. I wonder what they would think of me if they found out also. Advice please guys and girls. Please post up your advice here (rude or offensive posts will be deleted) or email your thoughts to niunites@niufm in confidence, TEXT 3123, put the word NITES in first, leave a space and then your say or call the studio on 09 869 2103 or 0800 223 103. Well be discussing this ON AIR after 9 PM tonight. :)
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 07:46:31 +0000

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