Aloha! Welcome back everyone. From beautiful Oahu, Hawaii we - TopicsExpress


Aloha! Welcome back everyone. From beautiful Oahu, Hawaii we have Olivia as our Athlete of The Week! She has an incredible story of how she got into a healthy and fit lifestyle. A surfer and soon to be trainer she certainly knows no limits to determination and makes her own opportunities. In and out of the water she does whats necessary to get herself to the next level... Take it away Olivia: “…When I was 18 I bought a one way ticket from California to Hawaii, and worked my squat-formed bum off to make it happen. I worked minimum wage jobs- three of them- and was a full time student. Several years later I am a developing personal training, close to the end of my Economics degree, and placing in small surf competitions around the island. My life is simple. I am happy. I prioritize my health and happiness, then my family’s, and then my friends. I have a puppy French Bulldog named Boss who helps me with my sprints- but he’s really more of a nap and recovery day coach. My career as a personal trainer is in its beginning years, but my true passion is for the sea and for surf. I love staying fit because it is what makes everything in my life work. Like a clock, there are always a ton of moving parts that all need to be balanced together just right. As a degree bound student, there’s no missing classes because I’m sick or tired- and my nutrition gives me that health. To my clients, I strive to be an example and model of the goals we are working towards. It is impossible to be eating McDonalds and not exercising and be an honest and good personal trainer. I chose to lead by example. When my clients or workout bud is burning, they know I was there, and so when I say “Go! Go! Go!” they know they can. As a surfer, the difference between me and the other jersey in the water could be how hard or consistent I train in the gym. Training as a surfer is difficult. It is such a dynamic and explosive sport that is always changing that it takes a large library of workouts and good direction to train properly. I find myself working more and more with TRX suspension training, and used some of this year to receive my certification. A surfer needs to be light in the water, but have serious strength for power surfing. A slow mushy wave needs agility and a quick movement, while pitching surf requires power and strong footing. It’s all over the place! That in mind, my training mimics my sport as well as I can. I enjoy explosive body weight movements, like pull ups on the beach or sand sprint. These translate more effectively to my sport than repetitive bicep curls or rows- but man do I love pumping iron a couple times a week! I love maintaining my health and fitness because it enhances my life. I become a better student, a better athlete, and a better person. You can’t cheat fitness. You cannot buy a dedicated fit body. It is something that’s earned, and I love knowing I have earned what I have, and only have room to grow.” Amazing story. ‘There’s only room to grow,’ we completely agree. Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. Great work Olivia, we are very pleased to be featuring you and look forward to future projects! Aloha and keep up the greatness everyone. - The Exceed Evolution Team
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:07:01 +0000

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