Aloha desire mappers, Searching for a word to stand in for - TopicsExpress


Aloha desire mappers, Searching for a word to stand in for recognizing my own brilliance. I am constantly told by others that I am brilliant, yet I seldom recognize this quality in myself or in my work. Case in point: I recently submitted my final paper for my Shakespeare Senior Seminar class and I was dissatisfied with it. I agonized over it and stressed and stressed to the point of sickness believing it was subpar, until I finally handed it in. I received my grade 250/250. The professor said my paper was impressive and wants me to present it at a symposium in April. I share all this, not to brag, but to point out that this is the same paper I feared was not good enough. I began to wonder what I could accomplish if I only recognized my own brilliance, both in intellect and soul brilliance, though not to the point of conceit or overly proud. Words like awareness, mindfulness, cognizant, all sound too formal and dont hold magic for me. Brilliance itself sounds magical to me. Maybe THAT is the word?
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 02:48:21 +0000

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