Along with many, I have also experienced interestingly challenging - TopicsExpress


Along with many, I have also experienced interestingly challenging situations and this made me question how the planets were helping us in this regard. Here is my take on it: The Present Times…They Are –A-Changing (By Ellaeenah….06.03.2014) With the Sun is in Pisces till March 20th we shall be nudged (and not lightly) towards opportunities that shall compel us to rise above our lower selves and to move into empathy, all-embracing love, and wisdom. It shall also open up areas where we might still be caught in self-pity, feeling victimized, enchained in passivity and the past, and escapism. Selfishness and meanness are big areas that need to addressed. Mercury is in Aquarius till March 17th and makes it easy for us to leave behind old thoughts and beliefs and embrace new and more uplifting ones that serve the universal purpose of togetherness. Venus is in Aquarius till April 5th helps us to approach our relationships and friendships in ways that are different, unconventional and new to us. This also relates to relationship with self, so that you can be liberated of old ways of inner connecting that were heavy and ineffective. This position asks you ‘Do you know how to be a friend/ lover? How selfish / selfless are you?’ It asks you to review your friendships and relationships, and ask of yourself some tough questions that help you to define your feelings honestly. Mars is in Libra till July 25th and strongly focuses on our need for balance. But first we must define ‘balance’. We may tend to try and run away from confrontation but Mars shall only get tougher with you if you do, and place you firmly in the eye of the storm that you alone have created for yourself. Those who are passive-aggressive (as Libran influence often tends to be) will face their shadow sides and either find the strength to face their darkness or find themselves in deep conflict with the shadows within. Personality charm shall be enhanced as the shadows clear, but even charm shall not work for you if your approach is vacillating, indecisive and hesitant in honesty. The deprivations that result in the need to be the ‘good guy’ will be sharply questioned in this period. Mars is in retrograde in Libra from March 1st to May 19th and can very effectively topple you over so that you are forced to find a new balance, a new equation in all your relationships and friendships (don’t forget the relationship with self!) Saturn will transit Scorpio till 2015. With Saturn in Scorpio, there is a cosmic demand for truth in all aspects of our lives. The inner work must go deeper and be more honest and ‘real’. The underlying darkness has to be faced, either willingly or through the force of Saturn. Fears and anxieties must be expressed so that they can see the LIGHT of day and be broken. Expressing oneself fearlessly is paramount in this period. What are our illusions? How deep is the fear of rejection? Circumstances and situations shall seem more intense, and ‘critical’ due to this position. This is necessary so that you experience your power or your powerlessness. Behaviours that are dark (manipulation, deceit, envy, abuse of power, violence) are looked upon very sternly by Saturn who proves to be an uncompromising and harsh teacher. Saturn detests blames and rewards responsibility. Jupiter is in Cancer till July 16th. Intuition is at its peak. So is your ability to nurture, understand and forgive, even while you are like the loving Mother who knows that the child needs firm disciplining. Emotional maturity / immaturity will be questioned in this period. Use the radiance of Jupiter to overcome moodiness and emotional clinginess. Do not search outside for mothering; Jupiter helps you to divinely nourish yourself. But you must want to do that! Uranus has been in Aries for almost three years now (and shall continue to be here) urging us to make new beginnings and let go of the past, break free from limiting and restrictive attitudes and recreate a new blueprint for our lives. Selfishness, vanity, ego, demands of others, inability to conceive of another’s needs and concerns, self-absorption, all these are chains that Uranus shall break. The attitude must change from ‘Me First’ to ‘We Always’.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 06:33:29 +0000

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