Along with many of the cosmetic changes (such as up-to-date 3D - TopicsExpress


Along with many of the cosmetic changes (such as up-to-date 3D graphics), ConSim 2015 uses the new GlassBox engine. We try to build what you would expect to see, and thats the game, meaning that visual effects such as traffic, economic troubles, and pollution will be more obvious. Two other new features are a multiplayer component and finite resources. the game has non-orthogonal and curved roads and zoning areas that can conform to different road types. Types of zones will include residential, commercial and industrial. The density is driven by the types of roads built around these zones. Cities in a region are connected to each other via predefined regional networks such as highways, railways, and waterways. Elements such as traffic and air pollution are visible flowing between cities. Cities can trade resources or share public services with their neighbors like garbage collection or health care. Cities can also pool their collective wealth and resources to build a great work to provide benefits for the entire region like a massive solar power plant or an international airport. The larger the region, the higher is the number of cities and great works that can be built. Terraforming – stated that all of the terraforming in the game is going to be at the civil engineering scale, and will be the natural consequences of laying out roads, developing zones, and placing buildings. Transportation options – There are a number of options that are included, such as boats, buses, trams, and planes. Customization – Andre has indicated that the game will support modding, but will not do so at launch Modules in ConSim 2015 are attachable structures that can add functionality to existing user-placeable buildings. One example is the extra garage for fire stations, which can provide additional fire trucks for increased protection coverage. The user interface, which was inspired by Google Maps and infographics, was designed to convey information to the player more clearly. Animations and color-coded visual cues that represent how efficiently a city functions are only presented when needed at any given moment. For instance, opening up the water tower instantly changes the landscape to a clear world where the density of water is recognizable. Or clicking on the sewage tab will immediately show how the waste of the citizens is flowing, and where the system is over capacity. Some of the other visualized data include air pollution, power distribution, police coverage,and zones. Many resources in the game are finite. Some are renewable, such as ground water. If youve built up an entire city on the economic basis of extracting a certain resource, when that resource runs out your economy will collapse. each type of zone (residential, commercial, and industrial) is not divided into density categories. Instead the density of the roads next to them determines the type of buildings that will be created there. This means that there is only one of each zone type, and density of the buildings are determined by the density of the roads. Roads in ConSim 2015 are one of the most fundamental elements of the mechanics. roads carry water, power, and sewage. There are also many new tools for drawing roads. They include a straight line tool, one for making rectangular road squares, one for making sweeping arcs, one for making circles, and one for making free-form roads. There is also a more diverse range of roads to choose from. Starting at dirt roads and going up to six lane avenues with street car tracks, the density of the roads determines the density of the buildings next to them, so dirt roads will only develop low density buildings. There are two different categories of roads, streets and avenues. Streets are 24 meters wide and avenues are 48 meters wide. Since all streets are the same width, a dirt road can be upgraded to a high density street. In order to upgrade a street to an avenue, one would need to fully demolish the old street and replace it with a larger avenue. When high and low capacity roads intersect, the higher density roads have the right-of-way, thus stop lights and stop signs will be automatically placed. In order to space the roads so there will be enough room for buildings to develop, road guides are shown when hovering over an existing road. The act of road building creates a spline on which the ConSim 2015 Glassbox interacts with the simulation. When these splines intersect it becomes a reticulated spline which develops the underlying spline network. Players will be able to specialize cities on certain industries, such as manufacturing, tourism, education, or others. Each have distinct appearances, simulation behavior, and economic strategies. Players have the option to heavily specialize on one or build multiple specializations in any given city for diversity. The game will feature a simulated global economy. Prices of key resources like oil or food will fluctuate depending on the game worlds supply and demand. In particular, if players all over the world are predominantly selling drilled oil from within their game onto the global market, this will drive the price for this resource down. Conversely, a resource that has experienced very little exposure on the world market will be a scarce resource, driving the price up. Multiplayer This ConSim 2015 is the first to feature full online play allowing for regions to house multiple cities from different players. Regions can alternatively be set to private or the game switched to an offline single-player mode for solo play. ConSim 2015 requires players to be logged into Steam service to play the game, including when playing single player. The connection is asynchronous,[36] so any brief network disturbance will not interrupt the gameplay Collaboration – Cities in a region can share or sell resources, and work together to build Great Works, such as an Arcology. Singleplayer Singleplayer This does not require an internet connection, and worlds are saved locally. But you do need to Activate your game online and for Updates as well
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 14:37:52 +0000

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