Alpha CRS Aging: Ugh. Oxidation causes rust. Think about what - TopicsExpress


Alpha CRS Aging: Ugh. Oxidation causes rust. Think about what that looks like in our bodies, especially in the society we live in. It is a natural process, one we can not escape, but in excess can create huge problems for our bodies. We have these things called Free Radicals in our bodies- they are molecules with one or more un-repaired electrons, and they cause this oxidation. We get these from two sources: Intrinsic (within) by breathing, exercising, eating. AND Extrinsic (outside) like smoking, pollution, sunlight, radiation. We fight the intrinsic radicals with a powerful antioxidant produced by the liver called glutathione. ---There is an antioxidant in Alpha CRS call Silymarin (from milk thistle). It actually INCREASES the glutathione levels our liver produces, creating more natural antioxidant!!!!! It is not enough to repair the extrinsic too, so.... This is where you hear Drink a glass of red wine a day. Resveratrol, an antioxidant. You can get antioxidants from nuts and seeds as well. Alpha CRS has both BUT the source of the resveratrol is from Japanese knot weed (which means it is a higher and more concentrated source). In fact, you have to drink 6 bottles of red wine to equal just ONE does of Alpha CRS. Now, what about energy? Each cell has mitochondria and that is what produces energy. As we age, we have less mitochondria and what we do have start to produce more exhaust than energy. When put in food and oxygen you produce energy and exhaust. We want to INCREASE energy and DECREASE exhaust. HOW? Support healthy mitochondria by supplying essential nutrients and metabolic factors for energy production. This is going to help the mitochondria do just that PLUS help them create more mitochondria which means MORE ENERGY!!!!! All without sugars or stimulants! Product description: doterratools/documents/Alpha_CRS+_Product_Information_Page.pdf
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:40:00 +0000

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