Already excited for my dads bday , 35 contributions papa made in - TopicsExpress


Already excited for my dads bday , 35 contributions papa made in my life 1) he allowed me to come on this earth 2) he gave my name 3) he supported my education by sacrificing his own interests 4) I have forgotten the number of times papa had to wake up in middle of night to work for us ( going factory ) 5) as a baby he used to keep me on his tummy and make me sleep coz of my own kiddy issues 6) he took my sweetest pics 7) got me fancy dresses 8) would always tuck me in bed and say I am a queen and try to give me milk which i used to hate 9) taught me bicycle which now I have forgotten 10) stood by me when everyone sucked my life in hostel 11) my first boy talk was by my dad 12) gave me a chance to explore world 13) always helped me and still does 14) my marriage celebrations 15) teaching and giving me a good learning about life people 16) heart to heart talks when he felt bad and let down 17) the never ending teaching Maths and physics 18) endless hospital trips for me coz of my ear infection 19) instilled some loving qualities in me of being selfless and helping everyone 20) best India trip which covered Delhi and Agra was so entertaining 21) my love for tv came by u ( though u tried hard for me not to watch it ) 22) my first novel haha was Sydney Sheldon but he didnt know about what really the book was . That got my interest to read 23) thank god for my dad he kept telling me few things which I didnt understand then now I do saved me from lot of shit 24) any heartbreak my dad stood strong and said keep faith 25) my MBA is solely due to my dad and my mom 26) my fun science projects 27) elocution contests 28) during my theatre plays he would come travel 2 hours from factory to see it give me the proud feeling 29) was so happy when I won the trophy in grade 9 30) would cut my nails coz I was too lazy to cut them 31) best hahaha this is too private 32) this is too funny when I would c an actor dying in a movie I would cry thinking it was reality and he would explain to me the acting and how its fiction
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 06:24:19 +0000

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