Alright - I need to vent. Ebola. For crying out loud, is this not - TopicsExpress


Alright - I need to vent. Ebola. For crying out loud, is this not serious, is this not a potential nightmare, does this not merit the intense focus of our government and the expertise of the very best medical and scientific minds available? In this day and age of advanced medical, scientific and logistical knowledge can we not seek out the best people to handle this? Don’t we have,or shouldn’t we have had a plan already in place for such an issue? If not, well, I would have to say we need to “wake up” America. Why, in God’s name, is it even debatable that travel should be restricted for people leaving West Africa on commercial flights into this country, or any other. Of course we should offer our help and provide any assistance we are capable of “to” West Africa, with equipment and “trained” personnel. It is understandable that people want to leave there. But on commercial airlines? And those coming off of those flights, obviously affected, being checked in to just any hospital anywhere in this country? I am sorry but this does not seem so difficult to me. We cannot expect every hospital in the country to know how to handle this. My heart breaks for the young nurse that has been affected. I have many friends that are nurses. My stepdaughter just became a nurse and has her first job in an Emergency room. Nurses are special people, called to help the sick, not called to be put in harms way due to the ignorance and gross mismanagement of the people in charge. I am in complete agreement with the airline workers who have initiated strikes because they are not being properly protected or receiving safety training regarding this dangerous issue. If I were a pilot or flight attendant I would strike as well. There is not yet an effective, reliable cure for this virus! This is a global issue. We need a world leader on this. And so I ask, someone, please, please, please step up and do the right thing, for the right reasons before this becomes completely out of control.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 12:47:46 +0000

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