Alright, I give in. I was given 13. 1.) Ive always dreamed of - TopicsExpress


Alright, I give in. I was given 13. 1.) Ive always dreamed of being a voice-over for animated films. I can guarantee that if I am in the presence of an animal, I am animating it in my head. Dialogue and all. 2.) Ive been shot. Okay, so it was with a bbgun by my big brother and the bullet ricocheted off a building and bruised my arm, but at the age of 7, I distinctly remember thinking I was going to die any minute. Because on tv, when you get shot, you die. Looking back, I might have been a little melodramatic. Still, it was terrifying. 3.) I have somewhat of an obsession with talking animal videos. Okay, maybe just animals in general. I would have a house full if Kyron didnt keep me focused. Its a daily internal struggle. I need more cats. And a few dogs. 4.) As hard as I try to hide it, I occasionally snort when I laugh. There, glad thats off my chest. 5.) Im sobbing like a baby before the 7 minute mark of Homeward Bound. Shadows voice-over kills me. Every.Stinking.Time. From that moment on, Im a mess. 6.) I really, really love tattoos. I want tons but refrain. 7.) I get bored quickly and have a constant need for change. I rearrange rooms for therapeutic reasons. I cant stand routine. I much prefer to fly by the seat of my pants. 8.) I detest socks. Theyre disgusting. I own 2 pairs. I save them for absolute emergencies. Im not sure what Ill do if I ever have a teenage son. *shutters* 9.) French music is my fav. 10.) I never could decide what I wanted to be when I grew up. Architect, interior designer, landscape designer, art therapist, furniture designer, race car driver, film set/costume designer, detective. So many options. So little time. 11.) I grew up a small town, horse-loving, goat-wrangling, four wheeler-riding, mud pie-making country girl. Ive caught a few perch in my day. ;) I mostly try to suppress my country-ness but the second I hear a George Straight song, the hick bubbles back up. 12.) I used to dress our goats in clothes. No seriously, Sarah can vouch for that one. I was a kid okay, this wasnt last week or anything. Cut me some slack. I was clearly meant to work for Disney. 13.) I want to write and illustrate childrens books. I already have the characters and story line and can see the illustrations in my head. I just cant seem to sit still long enough to get it on paper. Someday.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 16:21:21 +0000

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