Alright, I havent been very active here, but Im looking to change - TopicsExpress


Alright, I havent been very active here, but Im looking to change that now! So now is the perfect time to reflect on my summer. Im a couple months out, and Im back to the rhythm of my life. This past summer was just awesome. I sang in some crazy places and I met some amazing people. I feel like I found a new home at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp(or BLFAC for short) where I can be my crazy self and still make beautiful music along the way. The tour was really incredible. Getting to make music with all of the campers, who sang and played their hearts out helped remind me why we do this in the first place. We make music because we love it. I feel like I have family members all over the world because of this tour. I have my grandfrère in France, my kuddelfamilie in Germany, and my BLFAC family in Michigan. Ive written a bit about the specifics of it, but even months later, it still feels just as special. And also as you all well know, I had another adventure too. I rideshared and couchsurfed my way up from Sarasota, FL to my home in Montreal, Canada. What a crazy idea. Sometimes when I think about it, I wonder if it was even the same person that made such a journey. I was abandoned at a truck stop in South Carolina, which luckily didnt result in any further harm, I stayed in a house that was absolutely overridden with dog feces, and faced the ire of many people as I tried to sing my way from town to town. But what I remember most vividly was the true kindness of strangers. I remember one man in South Carolina who gave me 20 dollars and said hed give me more if he had any because he believed in my dream. I remember a lady at the truck stop asking everyone else there if there was someone who had room to take me because she heard my story. I remember the generosity of the couple who picked me up from that truck station and saved my trip. I remember a man from Chicago who gave me his business card and said that he believed in me. I remember my homestay in Washington letting me drive his car so I can see the space museum even though it was his baby. I didnt even cover the surface of the countless people who threw a dollar or two my way or stopped to hear my story. They took time out of their lives to hear my story and I wont forget it. See how much bigger that last paragraph was than the one before it? There is true goodness in the world, if youre willing to look for it. The amount of generosity I received on this trip in Europe and on my way up here is humbling. I strive to be the kind of person that would help a stranger so readily. I have lots of info about upcoming performances, but Ill save that for another time. For now, heres Singin in the Rain. This was my payment for my stay in DC, and luckily he had the presence of mind to record it, so you can hear it now. Thank you everyone who followed my journey. Knowing you were waiting for updates helped me survive some of the tougher parts, and kept me going when I was afraid and wanted to give up. With much love, Jared https://youtube/watch?v=tTjkNYbt-s8
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 01:32:20 +0000

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