Alright Im gonna give this a shot!! There are people on this page - TopicsExpress


Alright Im gonna give this a shot!! There are people on this page from right here in Central Ga ALL the way to the UK. Shawn needs prayers, we as a family need prayers. In the morning we go for a spinal tap(Shawn will be put to sleep have spinal fluid extracted and chemo injected into his spine) he has had this done dozens of times. Unfortunately tomorrow is different. Shawn was scheduled for his routine spinal tap on the 22nd, but after calling his doctor on Monday to talk about the horrible headaches Shawn has been having they moved it up to tomorrow. Shawn has been having a pain run up his spine, to the base of his skull, and radiate through his head. His vision has been affected. Sometimes the pain hits the back right side of his head and affects his balance. His doctor I formed me that his spinal tap needed to be done soon because these were symptoms of relapse in his central nervous system. I pray and hope with every ounce of my being that this is not the case. My son has been through enough hell!! He deserves so much better out of life. I need everyone to please cover Shawn in your prayers. Share this and have everyone you know pray for him. Yes we have faith and we are strong, but goodness why does he have to be? Why cant he just be a normal kid? This is so unfair!! I shouldnt be sitting up worried sick that my 10 year old has relapsed with cancer. I should be worrying did he do his homework? What clothes is he going to wear to school? You know the normal stuff, not this. He has come so far, please Lord let it be something simple.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 03:43:19 +0000

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