Alright, Pokemon X and Y fanfic Update!! Orion had sat up, - TopicsExpress


Alright, Pokemon X and Y fanfic Update!! Orion had sat up, pulled a jacket out from his backpack and threw it on. He covered his face with the hood on it and stood up. Heres not the place to talk about this. He noted and everyone nodded in agreement, except Zane and Sonja, which Zane seemed uptight, while Sonja, dumbstruck about the situation. Lets go see mom. Orion said from under his hood and Sonjas eyes widened. M-mom?! she gasped and Torie laughed. Yup, mom lives in this city. she smiled and soon began to walk away, Orion and Eric following her. Well, cmon Sonja, you want to see mom or not? Orion asked, looking back and Sonja stared at him then looked back at Dusk, who actually walked past her and walked alongside Orion and Kyuubi. he trusts Orion? she thought and Zane and Axel both followed behind the group. Sonja only stared at the ground. Soon, she looked up, she could only see sillouettes of her traveling companions. H-hey! W-wait for me! Sonja called out and dashed to catch up to them. She lost track of them when they took a corner. Hey! Where did you-?! she turned to see Orion leaning against a wall. Cmon, we gotta catch up with them. he said in a calm tone. Dusk and Kyuubi stood by his feet. The Umbreon padded over to her and rubbed his head onto his trainers pant leg. Orion moved from the wall and signaled her and Dusk to follow. The two followed greatly behind him, not sure if he was actually telling the truth or not. Her brother stopped infront an an old townhouse and turned, noticing that Sonja was slackig behind. Were here. he opened the front door and allowed them in first. There were stairs leading up and Orion and Kyuubi climbed up them. Sonja and Dusk walked up and were both greeted by a Sylveon, its colors were reversed. Oh, FAYT! Sonja kneeled down and patted the fairy-types head.SYL! it barked and then noticed Dusk. Veon! she trotted away. Okay Fayt, Im coming. said a female voice. coming from a corner, was a woman, who looked like an older version of Torie. Orion! she said and Orion walked up to her. Evening mother. he smiled sweetly and soon his mother turned to Sonja. OH! My little Sonja! she sqealed and rushed up to the young trainer, Sonja smiled and met her half way. Mom! she gave her mother a hug and Orion sighed. You two need some catching up to do, Ill be in the kitchen with the others. he said as he and Kyuubi walked away, soon dissapearing around a corner. Sonja and Dusk could hear glasses clinking and people laughing down the hallway. Everyone got here right before you did and oh! her mother Kneeled down and gave affection towards Dusk. He is a beautiful Umbreon, Torie wasnt joking shen she told me, look at him, hes gorgeous! her mother said and soon stood up. Cmon, lets go to the rest of the crew. Her mother followed her Sylveon down the hallway and the trainer and Umbreon followed behind. They found thier way to the kitchen, where Eric was making funny faces and Axel was layng on the floor from falling out of his chair. My, my, you all seem to be having fun. Torie was leaning against the kitchen counter and Zane was outside on the balcony. Faruk was laying down. The two seemed to be enjoying the breeze that was offered to them. Orion was making his way into the kitchen and he went into a cabinet to get two glasses. He poured some juice into them and handed one to Sonja, which she happily took. He went into the freezer and pulled out some ice pops and opened them, he gave one to Kyuubi and Dusk perked his ears and begged for one as well. Orion smiled and opened one for Dusk and gave it to him. Here you go. Dusk let out a happy growl and followed Kyuubi to the open floor, where Somber and Stella were located. Orion covered his nose once his thier mother stared at him. Orion, what did you get into this time? she asked and lifted his hand to reveal a scar that stripped across the bridge of his nose. Yeah, Orion, Ive been meaning to ask, how did that happen? Eric asked and Orion stared at his mother. It was an accident. is all he said and Sonja noticed Kyuubi had pinned his ears back. Something bad happened, wasnt it? she asked and Orion nodded. I lost Sonic a few days ago, to a wild Genesect. he answered. Torie and Eric both seemed in shock. How? Torie asked and Orion sighed. It was attacking a village and I happened to be nearby when it happened. My pokemon battled it, but, Sonic was killed in the battle. I did though, managed to catch and tame that Genesect. he said, lifting a battered Friend ball. This is the Genesects Pokeball, I call him, Haste. he said and he placed it in his jacket pocket. I was training Haste when he turned on me. He swung his arm and tried to take my head off, but, thanks to Kyuubi, I was pulled back in time and Haste sliced my nose instead. Hes quite a tough and mean Pokemon, but, I finally broke him. he chuckled. Hey Mrs. Lana, is is alright if we crash here for the night? Axel asked and Lana nodded. Of course, there are plently of beds and blankets to share. Everyone was enjoying the night over at Lanas place. But, deep in the city, something stirred. Rar? Faruk stared out of the Balcony and Zane tilted his head. What is is Faruk? he asked and he and Faruk stared out into the dark, but lit up city. Something is up. Zane grinned. Faruk let out growls. Out in an alleyway, Alex was running in a panic. Oh, please, leave me alone! he whimpered and soon he tripped. His face and body slid across the concrete ground and he stood up, blood oozed from a few scrapes on his face. Scy! something shreiked aloud and Made Alex get back onto his feet, to start running once again. Torie, Eric, Sonja, please, help me! is what flowed through his mind. He turned a corner, only to find a dead end. Trapped, eh? a female voice laughed in pleasure. Nowhere to go now, Alex! Alex turned around and backed away towards the wall of the dead end. W-what do you want?! he asked, shivering. Soon, out of the darkness, a Scyther leaped out at him and its bladed arms thrusted towards the young trainer. YAHH! a scream echoed throughout the city. Everyone in the townhouse had became quiet after hearing the scream. They all stared out the door leading to the balcony and Zane looked back. Its Alex. . . he had said. Torie and Eric both ran to the balcony door, threw two pokeballs out, allowing Noivern and Aerodactly to come out. The two trainers hopped onto Tories two flyers and both headed into the city. Somber leapt from the Balcony and managed to snag Noiverns leg to hitch a ride. Torie, take her with you, shell be of use! Axel yelled out and the two trainers dissapeared into the darkness. Alex sat up against the wall that he backed into. The scythers bladded arm had pierced his chest and Alex took in deep breaths. He took the Sycthers arm and pulled it out. Im not out yet! he screamed and he pushed the scyther back. He stood up, holding an arm up to his wounded chest. Storm! he called and soon a bolt of lightning struck the Scyther off its feet and onto the ground. From the rooftops, Storm stood in the moonlight, her eyes full of rage and hate. She hopped down and stood infront of her trainer to protect him. Alex fell back and let out a sigh of relief. Thank you, Storm. he smiled and Storm looked back at him and nodded. The Raikou let out roars to scare back the Scyther, which, it didnt work too well. Storm backed up a bit and stood over her injured trainer, another Scyther appeared from the shadows and aimed for her face. Grawr! a Mightyenna fell from the sky and landed onto the Scyther that was attacking the Raikou. S- Somber? Alex coughed and the Moightyenna turned around, whining. Storm padded forward and growled. Somber let out a howl and from above, Noivern flew down and grabbed Alex with her talons. She flew up and met up with Torie and Eric, who were now on the back of Mega Aerodactly. Eric grabbed Alex from Noiverns grip and put him onto the ground. Alex! Torie shouted and Alex coughed. Great timing. he smiled and the two concerened trainers both sighed aloud. Hell be fine. Eric pointed out that the chest wound wasnt deep. He had the wind knocked out of him though. Torie had notified him. Yeah, but, Hell be fine, well take him to your Mothers place and get him treated instead of the hospital. We dont want him to be put on hold for a few days, besides, hes our friend. Eric winked and Torie nodded after seeing Storm jumping up onto the rooftop with Somber in her mouth. Good girl, Somber, you too Storm! Torie patted Storms head.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:48:37 +0000

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