Alright, alright, everyone is sharing their letters, so here goes. - TopicsExpress


Alright, alright, everyone is sharing their letters, so here goes. I have a tendency to get a bit too passionate on issues that hit close to my heart so I omitted some of the ramblings in the middle but heres the beginning and the end. My name is Lisa Gaetz, and I am a resident of Musquodoboit Harbour. My husband, Lee , and myself have a young family residing in the Musquodoboit Harbour area. We are the owners of a local Construction Company within the community. We have built our home on the beautiful West Petpeswick Road, just 2 kms past the Eastern Shore District High School, and a mere 5 kms from the Eastern Shore Community Centre which houses the rink for this area. We live 3 kms from the local hospital and the Birches Nursing home. I am proud to say, I love where I live. I love the people, I love our small town, I love the way we pull together as a community to support one another. I love that I am close to the facilities that my family uses. I have been encouraged to write a letter to express my concerns as there is a lot of chaos in my community right now. I will admit I have been unable to attend the two meetings that have been held locally, and so as eager as I am to express myself, I am reluctant as well, in fear that I do not have my facts straight, and I may be writing this letter based on a lot of “here say”. I am going to shoot forward regardless. I am hearing talk that there are plans or “visions” to re-locate our highschool, the Birches nursing home, and the local rink to an area in East Chezzetcook. I am also hearing talk that Musquodoboit HArbour is unable to have city water supplied to it, and so the government is considering “downgrading” our town to a “non-growth area”. Again, excuse me if I do not have my facts straight but I must express my grave concerns if these rumours are true. Lastly, I am hearing about Water. That Musquodoboit Harbour can’t supply city water and so we need to be down graded to a non-growth area. I hope this wording is wrong and not true. Since there are many areas in the province that are growth areas and do not have city water running through. The water study that is being used to base this all on is old, and was not done properly. It should be re-done, and the residents need to be involved before any one can label our community as a non-growth area. We were forced to become a part of the HRM, which put a raise in our taxes, when we are nowhere near any of the city’s facilities, and now some government official wants to label us as non-growth? How can you even have “non-growth” areas in the HRM? Do you know what this will do to our property values? Of course you do. The community doesn’t want it, and we are leaning on you to please not let this happen to our area. We WANT TO GROW. PLEASE, re-do the water study. We only need to supply water to businesses that need it in order to build here. We can put filtration systems in place and make the water good. I live 2 kms from the #7 and I have fantastic water. This does not make sense to me. I can only imagine what your jobs are like, being a business owner, and being involved in a small community with an aging population, I know how difficult it must be to make everyone happy. But this, this is essential. This community is trying to grow, the people want to stay, they don’t want to have to leave. Porters Lake has new schools, Tim Hortons, gas stations, and a Superstore. They do not have city water. They are growing because of those businesses. If we let Visionaries take all of our facilities away it will destroy this town. We aren’t asking for a new school. We don’t want it. We want to keep working on the one we have so it can stay here. We don’t want a new rink somewhere else, we want it here, but with a second surface added on. We are the tax payers, should we not get a say on where our money goes? Why should someone else get to decide that we are doomed and not allowed to grow? Please support us, this united community, and work with us to make a Vision that works for Musquodoboit Harbour instead of a Vision that destroys it. Thank you. Lee and Lisa Gaetz Worried residents of Musquodoboit Harbour.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 12:48:32 +0000

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