Alright alright, so I was lucky enough to get to expose 18 random - TopicsExpress


Alright alright, so I was lucky enough to get to expose 18 random facts about my life, thanks to Jessica Przyblo. Here goes somethin. 1. Im currently drinking a White Russian, while eating a PB&J sandwich on a pumpkin spice bagel. Results? Epic tastiness. 2. Since working at GNC as well as GameStop, I have a new found sympathy for all people that work in retail, and whenever I pick up something from a store, I try to front face adjacent products as well as bring everything up to the front, not out of kindess, out of habit. 3. I have a fear of roller coasters, and any ride thats fast, seemingly dangerous, and out of my control. However, Ill gladly go 110 in my car any day. 4. I believe that no-shave-November should be more appropriately named, no-care-facial-hair-November. Longer, I know. But I feel its more accurate. 5. I really want to travel to canada again. Or go to japan. Either one will do. 6. Almost positive I own more tank tops than t-shirts. 7. I love toms. Even though theyre just glorified canvas socks. Theyre still awesome. 8. My fantasy goal as a game designer is to work at square-Enix and head the team responsible for developing the level up mechanics in the next final fantasy series on deck. 9. Ive noticed that my cadence when I ask questions make it sound less like Im asking a question, and more like me telling you to give me an answer for what I just said. 10. I watch way too many lets plays on YouTube. Its a problem that Im working on. 11. I really miss the podcast I did with Mike Uken and Nicholas Robello, as stupid as it was. 12. Really really stoked to try some of the hard cider Im brewing in abundance soon. Although it wont be ready for some time. 13. I have been told that I look and talk like Olan Rogers to some of my close friends. Probably one of the greatest compliments ever, ever. 14. Ever since working at GNC, I look at the ingredients and nutrition facts of EVERYTHING. 15. I have this weird tick where I rub the palms of my hands with my thumbs when I dont know what to do or say. 16. Most definitely played the piano for so long, it made my callouses crack and cause my fingers to bleed. Hardcore! 17. Have you heard my rant about hashtags? And this one girl that uses them in abundance? If not, Ive got a DVD coming out about it soon. #DVD #lol #funny #me #this #isnt #even #half #as #bad #as #how #many #this #chick #uses 18. Next tattoo on deck is the soul eater rune from the suikoden series on the inside of my left bicep. First non final fantasy tattoo, although its still a video game tattoo. Wow. That wasnt terrible. If anybody wants to do this, comment or like or whatever. I promise I wont go higher than 20.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 05:39:32 +0000

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