Alright everyone so Im re-writing one of my creative writing - TopicsExpress


Alright everyone so Im re-writing one of my creative writing stories. Its the one I posted on here before. So Ill be re-writing it and posting scripts here. Heres a script for the evening. I will be posting continuation script tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy the read. Next Gen: Parallel Worlds by Terrell Quentin Rogers Any Marvel characters mentioned is to be given credits to Marvel Comics. The mention of Decepticons to be given credit to Hasbro. Prologue Terrell’s voice narrating in background. A lot has happened the past few months. I had a meeting with Xavier. Xavier learned that I am dying because of my emotional broken heart and it wasn’t an exaggeration either. Xavier informed Jean, Emma and Ant-Man of the situation. Xavier few days later after discovering about my heart condition was assassinated. Xavier’s assassination resulted in the X-MEN and Avengers going into war. Both Scott Summers and Tony Stark wanted me to join their factions. But I stayed neutral from the war. I rescued Beast and Storm when they were attacked by the Sentinels during the X-MEN vs Avengers war at an outpost Beast and Storm were investigating. Beast after the rescue told me he read Xavier’s secret journal and learned about my dying condition. Xavier didn’t want Beast to know since me and Beast are good friends. Tony Stark yelled at me for rescuing Beast and Storm. Although I am an ally to both the X-MEN and Avengers, I am not an official member of either faction. Also a major turning point of events, The Phoenix had returned to earth, aligned with the X-MEN. Then month later Phoenix left the X-MEN and Earth in the process. The war has ended since then. End of Prologue Chapter One: Stark’s Offer/New Alliance Terrell is sitting on one of the metal eagles of the Chrysler Building. It’s a cold autumn evening. Terrell in his Next Gen Ranger Quantum suit with his helmet off. Terrells helmet is laying by his side. Cold air comes out of Terrells mouth as he breathes in and out. Terrell then leans his head on the metal wall of the building. Terrell has alot of thoughts going through his mind. How much more battles can he take? Why waste time on helping those that don’t give a care about him? But his heart wouldnt feel right not protecting the innocent. Terrell knows hours would be wasted just pondering on those questions. The scene switches to first person view as Terrell puts his helmet on. Terrell then stands up. Breathes in and out and jumps off the building. The scene switches to third person view as a red streak is then seen streaking across the city. Terrell flies past the Brooklyn Bridge entering his borough of Brooklyn. scene fades The scene now at Terrells apartment as he enters. Terrell notices some lights dimming from the tv in the living room. Terrell thinking to himself he did not leave the tv on. A video game is heard. Its none other than the billionaire Stark playing with Terrells X-box 360. Terrell slowly enters his living room.. Terrell: First the original Nick Fury snuck into apartment. How the heck did you get into my apartment? Stark: ::pauses the video game and smiles but then serious face:: we need to talk ::gets off sofa:: Terrell: ::turns lamp on:: I had a rough day today Tony.. this better be important ::drops door keys on lamp table:: Tony Stark: let me get to matter at hand… you’re entering a new universe kid… Terrell: A new universe… nah I crossed over into a universe I shouldn’t had crossed over into… Tony Stark: Well lets go down memory lane shall we. You entered our universe during you first confrontation/fight with Logan. You entered out universe when you teamed with Spider-man on 9/11. You entered our universe when you asked for my help, along with other members of the Avengers when you led the a team against a Corporation/Decpeticon alliance at InVasion. You seem to forget SHIELD was following you ever since you first became a superhero. From your Corporate Ranger days. You’ve worked for two Nick Fury’s. One who agenda was for a good purpose, and the other was agenda was to force you to engage in secret missions in exchange to keep your superhero identity a secret. Terrell: That all stopped when you took over SHELD. Then you eventually handed SHIELD over to Maria Hill. I’m surprised she has yet to call me. Tony Stark: I told SHIELD to stay away from you. Terrell us heroes we’re getting older. But you’re getting younger. I need you on the Avengers to pave the way for the future of the team. Terrell: I appreciate the offer… But there’s the door… Tony Stark: You don’t even have a team anymore. Your ranger friends left you. Mary/Neisha whatever name she wants to go by cheated on you… It’s time to move on kid… It’s time for you to earn that salary and get paid for your heroics. Terrell: Do you hear yourself? You want me to side with the Superhero Registration Act so I can get paid being a superhero? I chose to remain a superhero out of compassion and sympathy for the innocent. I want to help people. But I’m not going to do it for the money Stark. Tony Stark: Tony Stark: When I approached Congress about the Superhero Registration Act, it just wasnt about money. It was about the integrity of being a superhero. We just cant be flying around thinking this city is a jungle for us to play with. We cant constantly flee the scene of crimes we stopped. We cant be putting the law in our own hands. ::doorbell rings:: Terrell walks up to door.. looks through peephole and opens the door:: Terrell: hey Pete…. ::then turns towards Logan:: the heck youre doing here? Wolverine: hey kid…. Peter: serious matter… Terrell: let me guess.. Stark bought you two in to try to get me to join the Avengers? ::walks away from the door:: Wolverine: Actually me and Pete came to see how you were doing. We didn’t know Stark was here ::notices Stark in the room:: sh*t Tony Stark: No, you two can talk to him. As always Terrell wants to have it his way. Wolverine: Let me guess you offered Terrell lots of dough and to break women’s legs in the process. Stark: An offer he turned down… Then everyone wonders why Terrell is still a virgin Terrell: ::punches Stark in the face:: Tony Stark: ::holding his jaw:: ::nods his head:: I see I struck a nerve there… Terrell: have a good evening Mr. Stark…. Peter and Logan walk in as Tony exits through the door. Stark slams the door. Terrell: Alright rival I’m listening… Logan: I’ll let the bug talk… Peter Parker: to get straight to the topic… the three of us should form a trio. Terrell: really? Peter Parker: Terrell me and you been tag-teams before in the war against crime. But we add Logan, the three of us can take over this city. Logan: A killing spree… you in bub? Peter Parker: killing spree? you predator Terrell: beast…. I’m in…. Logan: Now you’re becoming a man…… Terrell: minus the killing Logan: youre still a boy….. Terrell and Pete stare at each other then back at Logan, then put their hands on their face. Terrell: Let me change out of my suit into my street clothes…. Wolverine: While you’re doing that I’ll head downtown to the Brooklyn Prominade. I’ll ride on the bike through the streets. Maybe I’ll kill a few thugs. Peter: I have my book bag here. But Ill just sneak up on the roof top to change into my gear. Logan: you mean you’re spandex Peter: ::raises voice:: they’re not spandex Terrell: I’ll meet both of you there… Scene fades Wolverine chilling at the Brooklyn Prominade. Suddenly Spider-man web-slings onto the scene. Wolverine: ::chuckles:: I thought you smacked into a building on the way? Spider-man: what did “the animal” say? Wolverine: look whos talking bug Spider-man: dont you mean bub? Wolverine: Who will I be killing today? Spider-man: Can you for once spare lives for once? Terrell: ::walking/arriving on the scene:: word why is it nobody ever calls you a vigelente? Terrell now wearing black shirt, black jeans and his black leather jacket. Wolverine: good everyone is here…. Terrell: You know Logan I didnt forget our first encounter a few years ago… when are we having the re-match? Spider-man: the fight you two had back in 2000? Wolverine: ::mumbling: it ended in a dang draw Spider-man: did it really end in a draw? Terrell: uh Pete let’s talk about this another time… by the way you still owe me a rock paper scissors rematch… Wolverine: Listen Im too old for all these kiddie games.. let’s get to work.. Terrell: alright grandpa Wolverine: ::pulls out the claws:: Terrell: ::pulls out the plasma gun:: whats good? Spider-man: quiet.. my Spidey senses are detecting something in the area… Terrell: lets spread out… ::quickly morphs into Next Gen Quantum Ranger:: ::jumps over promenade railing:: Spider-man: ::jumps over railing and web-slings:: Wolverine: Wolverine: ::claws go back in skin:: ::looks over railing:: ::pulls out a cigar.. smokes it and walks away:: Four robbers going through different alleys and eventually into an outdoor parking lot near Brooklyn Bridge Park. Terrell playing with the door of one the cars sneaks into a car. One of the robbers spot a car which was the same car Terrell snuck into. The robbers dont bother to check whose inside and one of the robbers breaks the car glass window and get inside the car. The other robbers follow. Robber #1: what the heck? All four robbers pull out their guns and point at Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: Now if this was a movie they always trying to kill the black brother. But this isn’t a movie now is it? ::turns towards the black robber:: you really going to let them take out the brother? Robber #2: you aint my brother? Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: my bad negro Robber #2: mother ****** what you said? Other robbers trying not to laugh.. Robber #3: who are you a Power Ranger? Robber #1: probably a rip off of the Corporate Rangers... Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: oh that Corporate Red Ranger is closer than you think Robber #2: I told you the Corporate Red Ranger and Next Gen Quantum Ranger was the same person.. Robber #3: No they not… dude they both sound different… stop listening to those dang conspiracy theories… Scene quickly switches to inside Terrell’s helmet. Terrell trying to not laugh:: Scene then switches back to third person. Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: Looks at this.. A white guy, a black guy, and two hispanics.. You see why the police are always doing their stop and frisk? But they would probably ignore the white guy here.. Right my negro… padres speak up… what’s that term? Holmes? Robber #3: :: about to pull that trigger:: what you said papi? You trying to mock our Hispanic heritage? Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: heritage? This a culture war? Robber #4: ::about to pull trigger on his gun:: Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: I say we settle this like men without the guns… Robber #1: something isn’t right… everyone out the car…. Robbers get out the car and one of them orders for Terrell to get out.. Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: aight take it easy.. let’s all just settle down now… Just please dont hurt me.. Also keep in mind I’m innocent I tell you. By the way I know a secret. Robber #1: SHUT UP.. Put your hands behind your head Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: are we playing Simon Says? ::puts hands behind his helmet:: Im sure those guns cost alot of dough... you might want to put them down.. We all know guns and sharp objects dont mix.. I tell you what how about a trade? Robber #2: what you said kid? Robber #3: this kid crazy yo Suddenly Logan comes out of nowhere and slices the two of the robber’s guns... Another robber gets his gun shot by a web-string. The web-head with his feet on a lamppost takes the gun from the robber. The robber with a gun begins shooting multiple bullets at Logan. Logan falls to the ground. Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger and Spider-man-_- Robbers are proud of their so-called accomplishment. Spider-man web-slings to the ground and takes off his mask. Spider-man goes down on one knee. Spider-man then shakes his head. Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: ::puts his hands from his head:: yeah they did it this time.. Spider-man: the science of regenerating.. ::looks up at Terrell:: no wonder Conners was obsessed.. Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: immortality dude… Robber #3: what they talking... oh **** Wolverine slowly gets up with his gunshot wounds healing. Spider-man slowly gets up and stands next to Terrell. Logan even spits out a bullet. Wolverine with an angered look turns his head towards Terrell and Pete. Terrell and Pete: sup… Wolverine: the hard way Spider-man: hey be easy on them... Robber #4: wait a min you guys part of the Avengers? Robber #1: dude no black people on the Avengers Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: I’m telling you they really need to update these school textbooks. Does Black Panther and Luke Cage ring a bell? Heck Luke is from Brooklyn… Spider-man: uh T.. Cage is from Harlem T Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: oh…. Robber #3: The black panthers arent part of the Avengers ::quickly pulls out his other gun and shoots Terrells Next Gen Quantum morpher which was on his wrist Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: ::falling to the ground:: AAAAHH…. ::on the ground slowly lifting up his back off the ground:: aah my wrist... gosh dang you shot my wrist.. I need a medic.. my eyes getting blurry…. Medic… gosh dang MEDIC… wait I think I see the light.. Robbers and Wolverine: ?????????? Spider-man: Next Gen Quantum Ranger he shot your morpher which is undamaged… those are street lights.. and the city lights across the water… not the light from you know… ::helps Terrell up:: Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: ::slowly getting up:: ::quickly pulls out his plasma gun:: The other robbers pull out their other guns, but Terrell shoots a sick plasma laser from his quantum plasma gun which knocks the guns out of each of the robber’s hands. Spider-man then shoots webbing and web-slings each of the guns in the direction of the three heroes. Spider-man with his web-sling slings the guns in the air. Terrell then turns his gun into blade mode and with a screeching sound being heard shatters the guns into two pieces. Terrell then puts the blade back into gun mode. Robber #2: Im not going back to the juvie Spider-man: The juvie.. That’s such an old-school term.. Do you know how many thugs Ive sent to the juvie? Wolverine: Who said we were taking you guys to the juvie? Robber #1: nah we good… we could go to the juvie... youre dont have to kill us man Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: You know guns run out of ammo. My gun on the other hand runs on plasma. It doesn’t require ammo. That was the secret I wanted to share earlier… ::aims quantum plasma gun at the four robbers:: Spider-man: dont do it man… Wolverine: Hey aren’t you the one always preaching non-violence? ::serious tone:: kill them..... Terrell/Next Gen Quantum Ranger: kill them? Wolverine: ::regular tone:: besides you got protection from SHIELD…. Spider-man: oh snap that’s right……. NO TERRELL ::The robbers try to make a run for it.. too late... Terrell shoots at the robbers as sparks go flying everywhere... robbers go out cold and motionless laying on the ground:: Terrell slowly walks up to the robbers and gives them a disgusted look. Terrell takes off his helmet in frustration. Terrell: juvies…. ::spits at the ground:: Spider-man: ::takes off mask:: YEAH ::trying to spit at the ground.. but accidently spits on a robber:: Wolverine: son of a Parker: ::cuts Wolverine off:: so what do we do? I say we head to the city… Terrell: before we do that… we dial 911 and we flee the scene like all heroes do Parker: Dont you mean 541 Terrell: This is not my Corporate Ranger days... ::cell phone goes off and its Tony Stark:: Terrell clicks hang up.. Parker: We should call ourselves WTS.. Wolverine, Terrell, and Spidey Wolverine and Terrell: ???????? Wolverine: so where to? Parker: why not the Avengers Tower? Terrell: I’m not a member… Pete and Logan: so… Terrell: alright lets head to the Avengers Tower… I’m sure Stark and Cap will be proud of our accomplishment this evening. Parker: T I’ll race you there… Terrell: web-slinging vs flying? Really Pete? Logan: You punched Stark in the face. You sure? Parker: I punched Stark in the face once… Logan: good point… I was hoping for some more good ole hunting… but the Avengers whatever it is…. Peter: yeah yeah animal…. Terrell: dang vigilante.. Logan: Beast you mean…. Terrell: You’re not Hank McCoy…. Parker: you know maybe Tony can give me financial aid to go back to college Terrell: :yeah? Scene fades
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 02:20:05 +0000

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