Alright folks! Ive tried for two weeks to start up a New - TopicsExpress


Alright folks! Ive tried for two weeks to start up a New Beginnings (Believers) Class. Cant get anyone to show up! It sure gets lonesome in that big old drafty gym on Sun. Morning twiddling my thumbs off. So I had an lightning bolt--why not post these here lessons on Facebook? Anyways thats what Im a gonna attempt. Ill have to post it in parts, so here goes Pt. 1. Hope it goes.................................................. New Believer’s Class Gettin’ Saved… …From What? Pt. 1 In the old days folks called it “hittin’ the saw dust trail” (that’s what you put on the ground under those big, billowy revival tents). In the big church we called it “a total commitment” of your life to Christ. Over the years, I’ve heard folks say everything from “gettin’ God”, to “joinin’ da fambly o’ God”, or “goin’ ta hebben”. However you choose to describe it, salvation for a believer is the most momentous event of their Christian life. For me, it happened at seven years of age, walking sheepishly down that rich scarlet-carpeted center aisle in that cavernous old church where my father pastured. There at the altar, Daddy stood--a sparkle in his eyes, a heavenly smile on his face, and big arms widely outstretched towards his scared little boy. Together, we faced that Sunday night crowd and proclaimed a new reality that vastly impacted me for the rest of my life. Ever wonder why we call Jesus the Savior? Luke spells the answer out loud and clear when he quotes our Lord speaking to little Zacchaeus, who was sitting up in a sycamore tree trying to get a peek at him over the crowd, “For the son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” Luke 19:10. Just what or who is lost that Christ is seeking? The answer is US! It’s people that are lost in life and don’t even know it. Paul describes US without God in Romans 3:10-18. “Destruction and misery are in their ways,” Paul says in these verses. Does that not describe what we view on the news at night? “Mouths…full of cursing and bitterness”, “no fear of God before their eyes”—that’s us with the mirror held up to life without the tender love of Jesus inside to soften our bitter souls. (Pt. 2 a comin’ soon!)
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 21:19:11 +0000

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