Alright, here are my thoughts: 1. Racism is still a huge - TopicsExpress


Alright, here are my thoughts: 1. Racism is still a huge issue, regardless this officer killed this kid because of his skin color. You can see that the via the protests that people feel like theres an issue and theyre trying to be heard. Granted, their current means of communication will not get them anywhere except locked up or hurt, if not killed. 2. Robbing, setting fire to and causing all out chaos isnt going to get you anywhere. Someone else on my timeline said it best: youre demeaning the cause. 3. If youre going to try to make your point with violence, youre literally handing over the battle. The police are there to protect the citizens and their property. It is their job to stop you. 4. Police are people too. You will continue to discuss how messed up the police are and all that, but all of them are laying their lives on the line for us every single day. This includes the days that theyre not wearing their uniforms. Crazy isnt it? How we can get angry at all of the police in the world for racism, yet were judging every single one of them because a certain percent in uniform are bad seeds. By saying that all police are bad youre just as big of a racist asshole as this guy below. Its not the uniform and its not the color of the skin that make the person. The majority of police are good people who want to do good by the people around them. 5. As we all know by now, the verdict came back negative for the people of #Ferguson, but positive for this man pictured below. 6. Have you seen what the face of a sociopath looks like? That look in his eyes and tilt to his mouth isnt relief. That is the look of someone who feeds off of the rush of getting away with something despicable like murdering a little boy. 7. This mans face is screaming that hes guilty of murder and got away with it.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:59:15 +0000

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