Alright here it is ._. 1: Are you ready for 200 questions? Lets - TopicsExpress


Alright here it is ._. 1: Are you ready for 200 questions? Lets say i am 2: Was your last relationship a mistake? Yea kind of 3: Do you miss your last relationship? nope 4: Who did you last say "i love you" to? never 5: Do you regret it? nope 6: Have you ever been depressed? nope c: 7: Are you a boy or girl? both c; 8: Are you insecure? sort of 9: What is your relationship status? single ;o 10: How do you want to die? kamakazi 11: What did you last eat? like a minute ago 12: Have you played any sports? LOL 13: Do you bite your nails? nope 14: When was your last physical fight? neverr 15: Do you have an attitude? with people i dont respect 16: Do you like someone? Ashley Salgado c: 17: What is your real name? Juan Jose Tortuga Garcia Herrera 18: Have you ever read a book? yea a lot 19: Are you gonna get high later? nooo 20: Do you hate anyone at the moment? hate is a strong word 21: Do you miss someone? not really 22: Twirl or cut your spaghetti? twirl duh 23: Do you tan a lot? im brown ._. 24: Have any pets? his name is daniel 25: How exactly are you feeling? relaxed c: 26: Ever eaten food in a car while someone or you are driving? yeao lol 27: Ever made out in a bathroom? das nasty 28: Would you take any of your exes back? nope 29: Are you scared of spiders? depends on the size 30: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? nope 31: Do you regret anything from your past? yes but no 32: What are your plans for this weekend? well see 33: Do you want to have kids? 3. one of each c: 34: Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? MJorge Martinez c; 35: Do you type fast? yea 36: Do you have piercings? na 37: Want anymore?nope 38: Can you spell well? not really 39: Do you miss anyone from your past? yea 40: What are you craving right now? jorge 41: Ever been to a bonfire party? nope 42: Ever had a silly band? those were gay :p 43: Have you ever been on a horse? nope 44: Kissed someone in a pickup truck? jorge 45: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? im sorry jorge ;c 46: Have you ever been cheated on? nope 47: Have you ever made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? i hope not ._. 48: Are you thinking of someone right now? yes c: 49: Would you live with someone without marrying them? jorge c; 50: What should you be doing? alot of things 51: What’s irritating you right now? nope c: 52: Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? like my splean? 53: Does somebody love you? i think my family? 54: What is your favorite color? every colour 55: Have you ever changed clothes in a car? yea ._. 56: Milk chocolate or white chocolate? THATS RACIEST 57: Do you have trust issues? oh yea 58: Best friends name? rudy, joshua, jordan, michel,hugo,lesly felipe, edwardo 59: 2nd best friends name? 60: 3rd best friends name? 61: Longest relationship? long enough ._. 62: Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? maybe 63: Who was the last person you cried in front of? i dont remember 64: Do you give out second chances too easily? that questions stupid 65: Is it easier to forgive or forget? so is this one 66: Is this year the best year of your life? 8th #712 67: What was your childhood nickname? two 68: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? not yet. 69: Favorite food? anything edible 70: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? nope 71: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? text Ashley c: 72: Did you have dream last night? of a new bugatti 73: What is bothering you? i didnt wake up in a new bugatti 74: Have you ever been out of state? yea 75: Do you play the Wii? not anymore 76: Are you listening to music right now? yes C: 77: Do you like Chinese food? sure 78: Who are you texting right now? Ashley c: 79: Are you afraid of the dark? Its whats in the dark 80: Is cheating ever okay? unless its with jorge
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 04:15:06 +0000

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