Alright if you haven’t been keeping up to date on your Breaking - TopicsExpress


Alright if you haven’t been keeping up to date on your Breaking Bad this might give away some stuff so fair warning. But for those of you caught up for the first part of Season 5 you’ll be ok. This is what we figure Walter White’s sentencing would be for each offense and since his crimes cross state boarders these would more than likely be served in a federal prison. We didn’t add up the years but we estimated what each major offense would get him. If we miss one of your favorite crimes Walt has committed through the Breaking Bad series leave us a note in the comments. Breaking and Entering/Grand Larceny-7 Years Mr. White and Jesse break into a warehouse and steal a barrel of Methylamine to make their signature blue meth. This was so they didn’t have to wait on junkies to get what they needed from pharmacies. Methylamine is not all that rare as you’d think, but the value of the stolen goods only needs to be above $400 for it to be considered “Grand Larceny.” Murder: 40 Years Krazy-8 and his cousin Emilio held Walt at gunpoint all for his recipe…but then Mr. White threw science at them with the phosphine gas and killed Emilio. Sure it was self-defense but it was clearly “intentional.” So given the circumstance this would probably earn Mr. White about 40 years or so in prison. Producing 6,153 pounds/80 million dollars’ worth of meth: Life Mr. White revealed in season 5 episode 14 that he made eighty million dollars through the seasons of Breaking Bad. After some digging around, we roughly estimate that he made about $13,000 a pound, but is it worth a life sentence? Possession of Unlicensed Firearm: 5 Years Mr. White buys a pistol to protect himself once shit starts to hit the fan. When connected with a drug operation the sentence is a bit longer, but you can safely assume he’d get about 5 year for his unlicensed pistol. Keep in mind he then gets a huge machine gun in season 5 of Breaking Bad, but we didn’t figure out how many years we would get for that. Kidnapping and Murder of Krazy-8: Life Sentence + 20 Years After Walter White tried to kill Krazy-8 with phosphine gas he and Jesse took him back and threw him in a basement and chained him down so that instantly gets them 20 years in prison since the prisoner was over the age of 14. But then Krazy-8 tries to kill Mr. White which then causes Mr. White to kill Krazy-8 which then makes it first degree murder so prison for life it is. Possession of Deadly Substance: 2 Years Mr. White makes ricin to kill Gus, although he never used is successfully even being caught with it he would do at least two years in prison but could get up to 33 months. Involuntary Manslaughter-22 Months The victim was Jane, Jesse’s girlfriend these two were obliterated on meth and Jane began to choke on her own vomit while Mr. White witnessed it all. Since she was choking and Mr. White didn’t do anything he would be convicted of involuntary manslaughter. The “Good Samaritan” statute, says onlookers of people in life-threatening situations have a “Duty to Rescue,” as long as it doesn’t put them in harm’s way. The minimum is 18 months but typically people get sentenced to 22 months in federal prison. Orders the Murder of Gale- 50 Years Mr. White asked Jesse to kill Gale so this kind of puts them in a “contract” of sorts for a hit on someone. Mr. White would also have something to gain from this murder with all being said it would be considered a “contract kill.” Since this murder was planned in advance but not acted out by Mr. White he would get 50 years in prison. Murder of 2 Gang Members- 2 Life Sentences Mr. White ran over two dealers at full speed to save Jesse’s life clearly this was intentional and would garner two life sentences for first degree murder of two people. Total = 4 Life sentences + 124 years and 22 months
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:58:32 +0000

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