Alright, its a Tuesday News Twofer. I try to keep my - TopicsExpress


Alright, its a Tuesday News Twofer. I try to keep my uber-seriousness on FB to a minimum, but there are big happenings of which to fill you all in (you know, other than that spaghetti I ate last night, the headache I had over the weekend or the number of times my cat interrupted the movie I was watching the other day.) Ive decided to leave my job at Music Today/Livenation/Ticketmaster/Insert Paycheck Signer Here. My last day will be August 14th. Its weird to think about, considering the tumultuous history the company and I have, but when it comes down to it, the place has become kind of a second home (since I spend most of my waking moments there) and the crews with which Ive worked have become a sort of surrogate family. Part of me is sad to go, but it really is time, which brings be to #2... As of August 21st (after a week-long decompression stay back home-town-side) Ill be starting classes full time with the plan to knock out 57 credits as quickly as possible to then transfer into a BA program for Graphic Design. I think I had a mild panic attack just typing this. All in all, I want to thank everyone whos been supportive and helpful during all of this. You all know who you are. Its been stressy and nuts and will only continue to be to varying degrees, but Im pretty sure this is what I need at this point in my life.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 23:40:18 +0000

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