Alright kids, todays comp class will be: 1. Weightlifting - TopicsExpress


Alright kids, todays comp class will be: 1. Weightlifting A. Back squat – 4 x 9 @ 70%, Tempo 10X1, Rest 3 − 6 minutes b/t sets (almost full recovery). Unless you have (near) perfect form, concentrate on form (upright torso, active back position, weight in heels, knees out, driving through legs rather than a low bar, hip hinge style) before tempo. B. Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean + Jerk Dip + Jerk – 3 x (2+2+1+1) @ 60-75% CnJ Concentrate on: CDL - getting knees back (vertical shins) by the time the bar gets to your knee from the ground, while keeping the same back angle (chest up!). HC - full extension (do not pull early), weight in heels in catch position, elbows up. JD - Do not let elbows drop (if they do your arms will absorb the energy from the bar rather than getting a nice recoil = barbell bounce) Jerk - deep breath, quick dip, upright torso, deep catch position, recovery with foot position (1/2 step back, 1/2 step forward). C. Clean & Jerk – 3 x 2 @ 70-80% 2. Gymnastics Conditioning A. 8 X 20 sec on : 20 sec off, alternating Odd – Chin over bar hold Even – Ring plank hold, thumbs turned out - Elevate feet on plank hold to make harder as needed REST 2 minutes B. 5 Rounds of (1 minute for each part) B1. Strict Muscle up – 1 − 5 reps, Slow/controlled tempo* B2. Mobility / stretch / foam roll / rest B3. Strict Toes to bar – 5 − 10 reps, Slow/controlled tempo* B4. Mobility / stretch / foam roll / rest * if you struggle with strict movements, practice strict / weighted pullups for B2 and candlestick raises for B4. REST 1 minute C. 8 X 20 sec on : 20 sec off, alternating Odd – top of ring dip support. Elbows locked, thumbs turned out Even – Bottom of ring dip REST 2 minutes D. 5 Rounds of D1. Wall climb – 1 − 5 reps D2. Mobility / stretch / foam roll / rest D3. L-Sit Chin up – 5 − 10 D4. Mobility / stretch / foam roll / rest Keep midline tight during wall climbs (small steps / hand movements). We will not spend much time warming up. If you get there early, start warming yourself up :)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 10:52:21 +0000

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